TobiWanKenobi · @TobiWanKenobi
234 followers · 853 posts · Server

@tagesschau Spät, aber immerhin. liefert im Gegensatz zu

For English audience:

Official channels have confirmed a military aid package with a value of 2.7 billion € for to aid the country in the (previously reported by . It includes APCs, MBTs, 4 IRIS T Systems and more Gepards. Main focus is to bolster Ukrainian air defenses.
As always with Germany, it comes late. But, at least something is being delivered at all, unlike other NATO countries like .

#pistorius #Lambrecht #ukraine #UkraineWar #DerSpiegel #hungary #NAFO

Last updated 1 year ago

Laurel · @LaurelQuarrel
27 followers · 187 posts · Server

Britain in Crisis
The UK Faces a Steep Climb Out of a Deep Hole

This country was already on its knees before Brexit, before the endless phase of political trench warfare and before the pandemic.

And now, it seems as though it has dialed 999 and is waiting in vain for the paramedics to show up.

By Jörg Schindler in London

"Whereas the number of billionaires in the UK – at 177 – is higher than it has ever been, millions of Britons have slid into poverty."

Food shortages, moldy apartments, a lack of medical workers: The United Kingdom is facing a perfect storm of struggle, and millions are sliding into poverty. There is little to suggest that improvement will come anytime soon.


Last updated 1 year ago

Cornelia Ernst · @ErnstCornelia
16 followers · 854 posts · Server

Wer zur Hölle kam auf die Idee, diesen Mann zu einer Europarede einzuladen? Das ist eine Ohrfeige für alle, denen ein geeintes, demokratisches Europa am Herzen liegt!


#DerSpiegel #Morawiecki #EU #Europa #dielinke

Last updated 1 year ago

Marioluca Bariona · @mlbariona
16 followers · 30 posts · Server

2016: “Ci sarà Seymour Hersh... il leggendario giornalista investigativo americano...”
2023: “Il controverso giornalista statunitense Seymour Hersh...”
Alla redazione di sono un po' confusi!


Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Satanic · @QueerSatanic
1767 followers · 2767 posts · Server

This interview with of is fucking bleak

DER SPIEGEL: The war itself isn’t being questioned.

Gudkov: No, the attacks on Ukraine and the massacres play no role. The Russians have little compassion for the Ukrainians. Almost no one here talks about the fact that people are being killed in Ukraine.

#DerSpiegel #levgudkov #levadacenter

Last updated 2 years ago

Cornelia Ernst · @ErnstCornelia
15 followers · 659 posts · Server

Das Magazin , das Recherchenetzwerk sowie sind der Spur von dubiosen Unterstützungsleistungen für diverse Wahlkampagnen der gefolgt. Es zeichnet sich einer der größten Verstöße gegen die Regeln zur in der Nachkriegsgeschichte ab. Inzwischen ermittelt die Staatsanwaltschaft.

In der ZDF- ist ab sofort eine zum Thema abrufbar:

"Die Schattenspender der AfD. Verdeckte Wahlhilfe aus der Schweiz"

#zdf #frontal #correctiv #DerSpiegel #noafd #parteienfinanzierung #mediathek #doku

Last updated 2 years ago #technews · @technews
41 followers · 124 posts · Server
· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server

Germany propaganda outlet, , censors statement by female victim of the anteater-face and his Ukro- Nazi rats holed up in and hiding behind civilians: "Usmanova’s testimony directly contradicts claims by Azov militants and the government in Kiev that Russia is preventing the evacuation of civilians from the Azovstal complex. Moscow has repeatedly opened humanitarian corridors from the area…"

#Nazi #DerSpiegel #Zionist #Zelensky #pussyllanimous #Azovstal

Last updated 2 years ago · @pirati
236 followers · 368 posts · Server

Ogni mese, la Commissione europea cancella diverse migliaia di email e SMS e i messaggi WhatsApp non vengono affatto archiviati. Ora, il presidente della Commissione Ursula von der Leyen si trova, ancora una volta, ad affrontare domande scomode sui presunti messaggi di testo cancellati. Un esperto descrive le pratiche come legalmente "discutibili".

Di Markus su

#DerSpiegel #becker

Last updated 3 years ago

KlimalisteBW · @KlimalisteBW
353 followers · 515 posts · Server

Danke für die Erwähnung (aktuelle Ausgabe, S.29). Zwei Anmerkungen hierzu:
1.) Die Klimaliste versteht sich als 1-Ziel-Partei (Einhaltung der 1,5-Grad-Grenze). Diesem einen Ziel müssen sich alle Themen unterordnen. Wir sind also weit weg von 'monothematisch'. 1/3


Last updated 3 years ago