Spraying seawater into the sky to counter ocean temperature spike?.. Long term; integrate into desalination and Thorium Reactors...
#GeoEngineering #CloudSeeding #OceanWarming #GlobalWarming #ClimateEmergency #Desalination #ThoriumReactors #MSR
#geoengineering #cloudseeding #oceanwarming #globalwarming #climateemergency #Desalination #thoriumreactors #MSR
And I just found the website for Nona Desalination, the startup company the researchers have founded to make their suitcase-sized desalination technology commercially available. If I had a whole bunch of money to invest, THIS is the kind of company I'd be putting it into.
#science #technology #Desalination #water #drought
From earlier this year: MIT researchers developed a suitcase-sized portable desalination unit that removes salt, bacteria, and viruses to generate drinking water. It weighs less than 10 kg, requires less power to operate than a cell phone charger, and can be powered by a small, portable solar panel. Amazing!
#science #technology #Desalination #drought #environment