please #DescribeYourImages in a way that is useful for other people. thank you!
contributing to the noise about putting alt text on images please!
if you post an image, please take the bit of time it takes to describe it. if you want more people to be aware of what you posted, this one's pretty easy.
if you're posting images like you did at birdsite, don't. a sizable number of us won't boost posts that contain images with no alt text.
#alttext #DescribeYourImages #accessibility
Bonjour les Mastonautes !
J'ai prévu de décrire une photographie mais je ne connais pas le nom de ces #nuages #atmosphere #météo
Pourriez-vous m'aider je vous prie ? Merci par avance ! :uwu: :shibasmile:
#aide #DescribeYourImages #nuages #atmosphere #météo
@guilevi wow, what an encouraging post. I already did it, but will do it even more in the future. #describeyourimages