FiXato · @FiXato
402 followers · 10527 posts · Server

A list of the books depicted on the original poster's photo is as follows:

(I did my best to describe all the books I could spot on the photo originally published by the Florida Freedom to Read Project, but if you spot any errors, please do let me know!)

Edit 1: Added the missing list of books (save for 1 unfortunately).
Edit 2: I've found the original photo ( on the original Tweet at FLFreedomRead/status/1620457139272814593, and added the missing title, as well as a row that was missing on the screen capture.
Edit 3: Full photo originally posted by Florida Freedom to Read Project, added with image description complete with just titles.

@aral @mcopelov

#DescribedMedia #bannedbooks #floridafreedomtoreadproject

Last updated 2 years ago

Woolly Mammoth · @BFSEsq
222 followers · 482 posts · Server

IMAGE DESCRIPTION by @FiXato -- The "Distracted Boyfriend"-meme, but this time it's a (horizontally flipped) video still from the 1922 Charlie Chaplin film "Payday", with Chaplin taking on the role of the distracted boyfriend —or husband in this case— captioned as "me" while his wife (captioned as "memes from 2018") stands behind him looking disgusted at him, as he looks at a passing by woman captioned "the same memes but from 1918".

#imagedescription #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
399 followers · 10199 posts · Server

Image description for top post by @BFSEsq:
The "Distracted Boyfriend"-meme, but this time it's a (horizontally flipped) video still from the 1922 Charlie Chaplin film "Payday", with Chaplin taking on the role of the distracted boyfriend —or husband in this case— captioned as "me" while his wife (captioned as "memes from 2018") stands behind him looking disgusted at him, as he looks at a passing by woman captioned "the same memes but from 1918".

#charliechaplin #payday #distractedboyfriendmeme #DescribedMedia #imagedescription

Last updated 2 years ago

Csepp 🌢 · @csepp
1568 followers · 9945 posts · Server

aAaa the book/audiobook is coming out in... 3 days???

So I gush about this thing a lot but if for some reason you haven't seen season (which was animated) and you want to have a great time, you can watch it here, or even just listen to it, since given the RPG style of production it doubles as (other than like 1-2 scenes which lack narration):

#DescribedMedia #EpithetErased

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
398 followers · 9628 posts · Server

@punkonbus1701 well, that was interesting... it only save the background when I tried saving or sharing it from Firefox Focus on Android xD
Fortunately I can take screenshots instead.

#lowerdecks #lowerdeckscharactercreator #startrek #STLowerDecks #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
395 followers · 9479 posts · Server

Finally did some aquarelle painting again last night!
This time I used the cover art for the game by as inspiration along with some in-game sprite work to fill in some blanks.

The image is marked as sensitive due to eye-contact, the droid's cybernetic nature and minor gore in the form of blood splatters and singular 'human' eye.

It's painted on 300 gsm cold-pressed wood-free paper from Søstrene Grene with aquarelle water colour paints from Royal Talens' "Van Gogh" line.


#msx #snatcher #konami #FiXatoPaints #FiXatoCreative #painting #mastoart #fediart #artshare #creativetoot #creativetoots #aquarelle #aquarel #akvarell #watercolour #watercolours #watercolor #cybernetics #droid #msxart #gameart #gaming #retrogaming #sostrenegrene #vangoghpaint #RoyalTalens #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
394 followers · 9476 posts · Server

for TikTok video shared in parent post by @swilua:
TikTok user my_aussie_gal (Mary) and her Australian Shepherd dog, Secret, painting together.
The video starts with Mary sitting on the floor holding two empty canvases, while her dog Secret put her paws round Mary's shoulders; both with a happy smile on their faces.
They each then put their canvas on their own easels, and while Mary starts painting an orange sun, Secret also takes a brush in her mouth and starts swirling blue strokes of paint on her own canvas.
When Secret's canvas is as good as covered in blue paint, Mary swaps their paintings around.
Secret then first looks at Mary starts painting a white circle on top of Secret's blue surface, after which Secret starts painting a white circle on her canvas (the orange sun one that Mary had before) too, while Mary also adds a black rounded surface to hers.
When both are finished painting their circles, Mary swaps the paintings round again.
Mary makes Secret's circle a bit rounder as well as adds some spots to it to turn it into a moon, and adds a black rounded surface below it, while Secret starts adding grey strokes to her canvas, forming the basis for trees.
Mary swaps them round again and adds in the silhouettes of her and her dog with the big moon in the background, underneath the just painted trees. Meanwhile Secret adds another set of trees to the sunny scene.
After another swap, Secret starts adding leaves to the trees while Mary paints the both of them sitting on the ground, facing the sun, with Mary's arm around her dog, into the warm sun painting.
One final swap has Secret add the tree leaves to the sun painting too, while Mary adds finishing touches to the moon one.
The video finishes with both of them facing the camera with their finished paintings and Mary stroking Secret.

#videodescription #DescribedMedia #MediaDescription #fixatodescribes #imagedescriptions #a11y #wholesome #art #dogs #australianshepherd #my_aussie_gal

Last updated 2 years ago

Csepp 🌢 · @csepp
1564 followers · 9591 posts · Server

Consider: bot that collects image descriptions from fedi and posts them, artists reply with their attempts to recreate the image from the description.

I'm curious how well the general vibe of images actually comes across in descriptions.

Caveat: sighted people probably interpret some image descriptions differently...



Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

A four panel .

  1. A kid asking their father: "papa what was the internet like when you were a boy?". The father, sitting in his chair, responds: "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
  2. The kid looks at their father amused, while the father carries on: "BWONG BWONG BWONG"
  3. the kid now asks: "papa are u ok" with a bit more worried look on their face now. The father still continues making dial-up modem noises: "KRRRRRRRRRRRRR".
  4. The kid now looks even more disturbed as their father's text balloon now shows an (Internet Explorer?) broken image icon.

(The comic in a way also shows the importance of including alt texts for your images, which ironically is missing from the original post too.)

#comic #imagedescription #imagedescriptions #DescribedMedia #meme #internethistory

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Time for another 3.5km for my .
The air has gotten quite a bit colder again, so I had to swap out my hat for my cap with badge.
A nearby was lit up nicely, so I figured it was time for a with it as background.

#walk #dailyexercise #ingress #Shōnin #tree #selfie #dailyphoto #FiXatoFoto #FiXatoCreative #walking #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Tonight I took out a copy of the new and old from a public street located inside one of the few remaining historical (now non-functioning) public payphone booths once operated by , somewhere in , .

Need to remember to put a different book back in return on my next visit.

#Edda #library #Telenor #bodø #norway #book #books #publiclibrary #streetLibrary #TakeABookGiveABook #phonebooth #payphone #FiXatoFoto #dailyphoto #FiXatoCreative #urbanphotography #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

for @warandpeas :

Four frame comic.

  • Frame 1: Two people sitting on a couch across a therapist. One of the two says: "People on the internet keep telling us we need therapy."
  • Frame 2: Therapist replies while writing on their notepad: "What do you do?" The other of the two: "We make webcomics."
  • Frame 3: Therapist scrolling through the comic on their phone: "Aww, these are funny."
  • Frame 4: Therapist while the other two sit on the couch with a blank expression: "But I'm afraid you are beyond my help."

#imagedescription #comic #imagedescriptions #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

oh, and as per usual for videos by Technology Connections, it has excellent / !

#subtitles #closedcaptions #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

I found out that wrote / drew another of , this time about his return to the convention circuit, and a bit of the anxiety that came with it: Jon 2, a second fancomic by gale galligan

I couldn't find image descriptions for the pages though, but I really wanted to share it. So... I wrote my own descriptions of each page and panel. Which... ehh... took far more time than I'd anticipated at first. xD

So, I hope you'll enjoy it, and that it will make it available to a wider range of people, as well as perhaps point out some details that some might've missed otherwise. It's such a heartwarming comic.

Relevant link:

#GaleGalligan #fanmade #comic #jonarbuckle #imagedescriptions #imagedescription #MediaDescriptions #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

@welshpixie I just had to try one of these myself, but then with this prompt:

"a scaly dragon egg made from opalescent ice and lightning, on a molten stone floor against a moonlit forest background, photorealistic, DSLR, octane render, 8k, cinematic lighting"

I guess the forest background isn't visible by moonlight. ;)
I really like what it's done with the molten stone floor, though it also seems like it's given the stone a bit of a reptile texture.

The third egg is probably my least favourite; I guess it took the 'dragon' a bit too literally. ;)
I like the texture on the second egg the nest, though its shape and reptile tail-like pedestal makes it more look like a fortune teller's globe.
I really like the composition of the fourth, though the egg seems upside-down. xD Not really getting the ice nor lightning from most of them; the first and fourth more look like stone instead.

#aiart #midjourney #FiXatoVersusAIGeneratedImagery #FiXatoCreative #dragoneggs #dragons #DescribedMedia

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

Decided to clear my mind a bit by by the light of the .
Went with my take on what I remembered from an Easy Misty Forest painting tutorial by TheFrugalCrafter Lindsay Weirich on YouTube.
It's not quite finished; I'd like to add another tree in the foreground, as well as some foliage around the top and edges, but the mosquitoes are starting to eat me up... and I'd like these layers to fully dry before adding the final ones.

Painted with a mix of ' and water colour paints on 180 grammes woodfree aquarelle A5 paper from / Sweden.

Paper buckles a bit too much from the water; I guess I should go with thicker paper, but it blends a lot better than on the cheap Nassau Fine Art aquarelle paper pad I'd been using lately.

#painting #midnightsun #RoyalTalens #vangogh #Panduro #Dekorima #Colart #EasyMistyForest #TheFrugalCrafter #LindsayWeirich #FiXatoCreative #FiXatoPaints #watercolours #mastoart #watercolorart #aquarelle #akvarell #aquarel #watercolourpainting #DescribedMedia #FiXatoFoto #dailyphoto

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

also, here's the full for those who need it:
a (cropped?) notice with the logos of "2U" and "edX" as headers.
Title header reads: "edX is now part of 2U!”
Below that: "We're excited to share the news that we have moved on from our nonprofit roots to expand as part of one of the world's leading education technology companies. Our combined offerings provide you new opportunities to accelerate your learning journey and we hope you'll continue learning with us."

#imagedescription #DescribedMedia #imagedescriptions

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

@sherold a year ago the same short (which apparently is from a story The Young Turks did in 2018) apparently also went viral in response to Polish government also further limiting the autonomy of people with a uturus, and of reacted to the virality of her own rant at the time:

Fortunately this video came with , so I was able to extract the of her rant:

«These comments might be strong, but it's how I genuinely feel I don't care that you're a Christian.
I don't care what the Bible says.
Like, I feel like it's a clown show, like sitting here trying to decipher what your little mythical book has to say about these very real political issues, right?
I don't care if you're Christian.
In fact, I will fight for you to have your religious liberty and practice your Christianity, I believe in that.
I don't believe in Christianity, which means that you do not get to dictate the way I live my life based on your religion.
I don't care what the Bible says.
You have every right in the world.
All those women who identify with your religion have every right in the world to not get an abortion, to not take birth control, but they do not have the right to dictate my life, and what I decided to do with my body.
I don't care about your goddamn religion.
I'm so tired of having non stop conversations about what the Bible says.
You live your life in the way that you interpret the bible.
Again, I don't care, but you don't get to take the bible and tell me, well, the bible says this in this chapter and this verse.
I don't care, I don't care, I don't believe in it and I have the right, based on our constitution to not believe in it.»
— Ana Kasparian on The Young Turks, 2018

(repost because of incorrect link)

#AnaKasparian #theyoungturks #closedcaptions #transcript #DescribedMedia #MediaDescriptions #roevswade

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

@sherold a year ago the same short (which apparently is from a story The Young Turks did in 2018) apparently also went viral in response to Polish government also further limiting the autonomy of people with a uturus, and of reacted to the virality of her own rant at the time:

Fortunately this video came with , so I was able to extract the of her rant:

«These comments might be strong, but it's how I genuinely feel I don't care that you're a Christian.
I don't care what the Bible says.
Like, I feel like it's a clown show, like sitting here trying to decipher what your little mythical book has to say about these very real political issues, right?
I don't care if you're Christian.
In fact, I will fight for you to have your religious liberty and practice your Christianity, I believe in that.
I don't believe in Christianity, which means that you do not get to dictate the way I live my life based on your religion.
I don't care what the Bible says.
You have every right in the world.
All those women who identify with your religion have every right in the world to not get an abortion, to not take birth control, but they do not have the right to dictate my life, and what I decided to do with my body.
I don't care about your goddamn religion.
I'm so tired of having non stop conversations about what the Bible says.
You live your life in the way that you interpret the bible.
Again, I don't care, but you don't get to take the bible and tell me, well, the bible says this in this chapter and this verse.
I don't care, I don't care, I don't believe in it and I have the right, based on our constitution to not believe in it.»

#AnaKasparian #theyoungturks #closedcaptions #transcript #DescribedMedia #MediaDescriptions #roevswade

Last updated 2 years ago

FiXato · @FiXato
393 followers · 9412 posts · Server

for original post by @seth_cooke:
A pillar in an exhibition room. It consists of two blocks cut at an angle, positioned on top of eachother, slightly offset.
Upon closer inspection the area between the two pillar segments is formed by a pair of sets of metal-cast teeth, gritting hard on each other, in various states of deformation.

#imagedescription #imagedescriptions #DescribedMedia #art

Last updated 2 years ago