"Was tut ein korrektes Programm? Eines, das nicht mehr und nicht weniger tut als das, was es zu tun behauptet" #DesignByContract
@dekkzz76 @AmenZwa It's important to note that the majority of the problem is due to profit incentive and little else.
A low-regulation engineering field where for-profit actors have incentives to cut costs at every single corner they can. It's hard to imagine it ending any other way.
Also you can use unit tests to exercise a full #DesignByContract implementation too. #StaticVerification is not the only way to ensure a system is behaving correctly (and physical interference suggests it can't).
#DesignByContract #staticverification
#DesignByContract literally saved my butt during my final PhD phase. Simulation results (for a waveguide) were not as expected for our novel method. I was pretty sure my code was correct because of #DbC. Dug deeper and found a relatively obscure theorem on integral representations I needed to apply. Applied the new math, and presto. Without confidence in my code, I would have probably abandoned the method and possibly the whole project.
If you're serious about #objectOriented programming, try to use #DesignByContract to the fullest extent your language supports it. Your future debugging self will thank you. At the very least, liberally use #assertions throughout your code to state what should be true at any given point in your code.
#softwareengineering #DBC #assertions #DesignByContract #objectoriented
Turn to #eiffel. No #curlybraces or indentation. Just do end. Or if then else end. Or from until (variant invariant) loop end. Plus you gain #DesignByContract in the best ad purest breed 😜
#DesignByContract #curlybraces #Eiffel
Un errore così è capitato a mia figlia quando ha fatto le simulazioni per le prove #invalsi . Non vi racconto la crisi di nervi: dover spiegare ad una tredicenne che l'errore di uno sconosciuto programmatore veniva considerato errore suo. Il #DesignByContract, questo sconosciuto!
Design By Contract (DBC)
#100DaysToOffload #SoftwareDevelopment #DBC #DesignByContract
#100DaysToOffload #softwaredevelopment #DBC #DesignByContract