Wer jetzt toll findet, dass #Designsoftware mit #KI-Funktionen aufwartet … denkt an meine Worte: in einer nicht all zu fernen Zukunft wird dann der Softwarehersteller k*ckdreist eine Miturheberschaft an euren Werken anmelden und den Honorarrahm abschöpfen. Sagt nicht, man hätte euch nicht gewarnt.
Until I find my feet and get used to the culture here I thought I'd post my old #CoffeeLid #Doodles
Lid 09 #summer #goddess of #fruit & #plenty on #tongue - #sketches mostly done when brain's idle. I carry my own mug now.
My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics # #politics
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #sketches #tongue #plenty #fruit #goddess #summer #doodles #CoffeeLid
Until I find my feet and get used to the culture here I thought I'd post my old #CoffeeLid #Doodles
Lid 09 #summer #goddess of #fruit & #plenty on #tongue - #sketches mostly done when brain's idle. I carry my own mug now.
My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics # #politics
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #sketches #tongue #plenty #fruit #goddess #summer #doodles #CoffeeLid
Until I find my feet and get used to the culture here I thought I'd post my old #CoffeeLid #Doodles
Lid 08 #Opera #singer with the S for a mouth & #frankenstein's #monster's wife's hairstyle made mostly when brain's idle & buzzing on coffee. #illustrationartist #Coffee - carry my own mug now.
My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #coffee #illustrationartist #monster #frankenstein #singer #opera #doodles #CoffeeLid
Until I find my feet and get used to the culture here I thought I'd post my old #CoffeeLid #Doodles
Lid 07 #hot #volcano begins behind #forest - #Sketching reflects what's going on in my head #depression - #art #Coffee #illustrationart #illustrationartists
My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Cartoons #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #cartoons #caricature #illustration #drawing #illustrationartists #illustrationart #coffee #art #depression #sketching #forest #volcano #hot #doodles #CoffeeLid
Until I find my feet and get used to the culture here I thought I'd post my old #CoffeeLid #Doodles
Lid 05 #Rockets & #Moon #Fights - #Doodled cos I lost interest (depression) in the typical #coffeebreak #CoffeeTalk #Gossip
My interests in general: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #gossip #coffeetalk #coffeebreak #doodled #fights #moon #rockets #doodles #CoffeeLid
Being new here & to find some followers I thought I’d toot some old coffee top lid #doodles.
Lid 04 Caution contents runny #brain & #nose #mining + sketched during #fighting #depression - as you may be able to tell. #Coffee #illustrator #CoffeeTime #CoffeeLid
Looking for followers. My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics Will follow back.
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #CoffeeLid #coffeetime #illustrator #coffee #depression #fighting #mining #nose #brain #doodles
Being new here & to find some followers I thought I’d toot some old coffee top lid #doodles.
Lid 03 #cat caution hot #eyeballs & #nose - all sketched mostly when my brain is not in gear - as you may be able to tell - the best way to be #creative. #illustrationart #coffeeLid
Looking for followers. My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics Will follow back
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #CoffeeLid #illustrationart #creative #nose #eyeballs #cat #doodles
Being new here & until I find some followers I thought I’d tootle out some old coffee top lid #doodles
Lid 02 Screaming Jay & the broken #eggs - all a #sketch during the typical #work break #CoffeeTalk #CoffeeLid #doodle #CoffeeBreak
Looking for some followers. My interests: #Sketching #Drawing #Illustration #Caricature #Art #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage #Languages #Environment #GraphicDesign #Comics #Politics Will follow back.
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #coffeebreak #doodle #CoffeeLid #coffeetalk #work #sketch #eggs #doodles
Being new here & until I find some followers I thought I’d tootle out daily an old coffee top lid #doodle.
Lid 01 The #skulls of the #owl hunting #mice in #snow - lids were nearly all sketched at my previous #work #CoffeeBreaks #CoffeeLid
Looking for some followers. My interests: #Sketching, #Drawing, #Illustration, #Caricature #Art, #DesignSoftware #Technology #ScienceFiction #ScotsLanguage, #Languages, #Environment, #GraphicDesign, #Comics #Politics. Will follow back.
#politics #comics #graphicdesign #environment #languages #scotslanguage #sciencefiction #technology #DesignSoftware #art #caricature #illustration #drawing #sketching #CoffeeLid #CoffeeBreaks #work #snow #mice #owl #skulls #doodle