Nun ist sie da, die erste richtige Folge von DESIGN. MACHT. GESELLSCHAFT. NEUES AUS DER DESIGNFORSCHUNG. Dem Podcast des HKB Institute of Design Research. Mit niemand geringerem als mit @eugen_pfister (CH Ludens) sprechen wir ausführlich über Games und ihre Rolle in Geschichte und Gesellschaft!
Greetings STS and design friends. I'm working on a chapter for an edited volume. I've reached that point where some critique and fresh eyes would help. If you're interested in social design, design studies, hacking, or tech innovation and have time to review I'd love your feedback.
Join me this Tuesday, February 7 in New York City for this year's inaugural 2023 Stephan Weiss lecture, featuring Alfredo Gutiérrez Borrero.
"DESSOBONS:when design
proliferates as 'the other'", Alfredo will invite us to question - What if there is no world, nor design, outside the West and modernity, what if the many worlds within the world turn out to be others (worlds that are not) and with other names?
#designstudies #decoloniality #decolonizing #dessobons #design
#DesignStudies #Decoloniality #decolonizing #dessobons #design
"Repairing all kinds of objects, infrastructures, devices, and services involves coming face to face with tensions, failures, wear, breakage, and the passing of time that runs through all matter. Repairing also implies confronting the harmful consequences of past design decisions, the 'after' time, from a position that was historically invisible but has recently been recognized as both creative and innovative."
"[...] with this call for papers we propose to consider repairing as a heuristic from which to interrogate the semiotic-material production of the world"
submissions (english or spanish) due 6th march 2023 👇🏼
#designstudies #sts #scienceandtechnologystudies #feministsts #inventivemethods #infrastructurestudies #repair #ecologies #everydaylife #methods #morethanhuman #feministmethods #codesign
#codesign #feministmethods #moreThanHuman #methods #everydaylife #ecologies #repair #infrastructurestudies #inventivemethods #FeministSTS #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #sts #DesignStudies