RT @DebtforClimate
+++ We are LIVE +++
Listen to the Global South speaker and hear their struggles with debt trap diplomacy!
#londonagreement1953 #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
Or, to say it with Ana's words...
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima #dettepourleclimat #dividapeloclima #debitoperclima #DebtJustice
This downward spiral must be stopped! That is why we as #DebtForClimate demand the #DebtCancellation of countries of the Global South in order to bring about a self-determined and socially #JustTransition and #ClimateDebtJustice #DeudaXClima #CancelTheDebt [9/9]
#DebtForClimate #DebtCancellation #justtransition #ClimateDebtJustice #DeudaXClima #CancelTheDebt
Global North government leaders know that #DebtCancellation is easy if there is political will. After #WWII, Germany itself benefited from debt cancellation which played a major part in its economic miracle #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima 👇[4/7]
#DebtCancellation #wwii #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
#DebtForClimate mobilized around the world to show that the real power is with the people, with the workers, #Indigenous, #Feminist and #Climate movements #DeudaXClima👇[3/7]
#DebtForClimate #indigenous #feminist #climate #DeudaXClima
Between October and November 2022 financial colonialism #FossilFuel interests convened in the summits of World Bank & #IMF, and #COP27 to decide the fate of the world. #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima👇[2/7]
#fossilfuel #imf #cop27 #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
Good morning Luetzi!
We are @DebtforClimate and we are taking over this channel for the day💛
Watch @EstebanServat explain what our campaign is about and stick around for more ✊
RT @DebtforClimate@twitter.com
We just confronted BlackRock in its Davos office to hold them accountable for their financial & climate crimes.
We demand that they cancel the massive debts they hold from poor countries in order to enable a just transition!
👇Take a look!
#DebtforClimate #DeudaxClima #Davos23
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DebtforClimate/status/1614706134216048641
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima #davos23
Great action from Debt for Climate!
RT @DebtforClimate
We just confronted BlackRock in its Davos office to hold them accountable for their financial & climate crimes.
We demand that they cancel the massive debts they hold from poor countries in order to enable a just transition!
👇Take a look!
#DebtforClimate #DeudaxClima #Davos23
#cancelthedebt #DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima #davos23
RT @YAESYA4@twitter.com
Estamos en Albrook Mall con mucha información sobre la crisis climática y ecológica y cómo te puedes sumar a la acción. Tenemos una encuesta en línea. Ven a ver! @adoptabosque@twitter.com @ciampanama@twitter.com @PasosPanama@twitter.com @cidesnet@twitter.com #UniteAgainstClimateFailure #deudaxclima @CienciaPTY@twitter.com
#UniteAgainstClimateFailure #DeudaXClima
@Karl_Lauterbach@twitter.com @c_lindner@twitter.com Hier ist das Video der Fragstunde, wo @C_Lindner@twitter.com sich für den Schuldenschnitt der Länder im Globalen Süden ausgesprochen hat.
Das Treffen des IWFs und der Weltbank steh nun an.
"Die Vorstellung, dass der globale Süden, der jahrhundertelang ausgeplündert und versklavt wurde, seinen Ausbeutern Geld schulden sollte, ist grotesk."
Da hat @GeorgeMonbiot recht.
Dieses Video gibt weitere Informationen über die Kampagne! (3/3)
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima @DebtforClimate
Die G7 sind maßgeblich für den Klimakollaps verantwortlich, was zu einer Klimaschuld führt, die viel größer ist als die Finanzschulden des Globalen Südens.
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
Dies ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs der Ausbeutung & Kolonialisierung
Während des G7-Gipfels haben in vielen Ländern Aktionen der Kampagne "Debt for Climate" stattgefunden und den Erlass der Schulden des Globalen Südens gefordert. 💪💪(1/3)
#DebtforClimate #DeudaXClima
RT @DebtforClimate
The action Sunday was packed with people in Asia, Africa, Europe, North & Latin America who can't accept crushing debt that is destroying communities & planet.
The coming days we'll rise up & confront financial pow…
RT @DebtforClimate
BREAKING: activists occupy the UK's Houses of Parliament, to demand that governments prioritise debt cancellation for the Global South.
Colonial debt is a crime. It's time to cancel debts and fund just climate action.
📣 Ceci est donc un appel aux mouvements syndicaux, sociaux et environnementaux de toutes les régions du monde.
Du Nord au Sud, "riches" ou "pauvres", mobilisons jusqu'à ce que la "dette du Sud" actuelle soit annulée et que la véritable dette soit payée.
#DeudaXClima #DebtForClimate #ClimateDebt #ClimateAction #StopG7Elmau #StopG7 #SocialJustice #ClimateJustice
#DeudaXClima #DebtForClimate #ClimateDebt #climateaction #stopg7elmau #stopg7 #socialjustice #climatejustice
Für uns als XR DE ist selbstverständlich, dass wir uns hinter die Anliegen des Globalen Südens und @DebtforClimate@twitter.com
zu stellen.
Dass der Süden uns irgendetwas Schulden sollte - nach all der Ausbeutung - , ist obzön und geradezu böswillig.