Global High-Resolution Estimates of the United Nations Human Development Index
#NewPaper by Sherman et al.—>
A simple, remarkable visualization of the 15–17 million excess deaths caused by the Covid #pandemic
By the indispensable @OurWorldinData —> #HealthEcon #DevEcon
#pandemic #healthecon #DevEcon
Development Data Lab
Incredible open data resource for development economists, by @samasher & @paulnovosad & team —> #DevEcon #development #economics #econtwitter
#DevEcon #development #economics #econtwitter
From @vis_taraz
"How does #ClimateChange affect #education outcomes in the long-run? Co-author Maggie Liu will present "Climate Change and Intensification Effects: Evidence from Human Capital in India" (with Yogita Shamdasani) in an #AERE session at #ASSA2023
We find that higher temperatures reduce educational attainments in India; these effects are intensified over longer time periods; effects are concentrated in rural areas & are more pronounced for females"
#DevEcon #EnvironEcon
#education #climatechange #AERE #assa2023 #mastindia #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
How does #ClimateChange affect #education outcomes in the long-run? My co-author Maggie Liu will present our paper "Climate Change and Intensification Effects: Evidence from Human Capital in India" (joint with Yogita Shamdasani) in an #AERE session at #ASSA2023
We find that higher temperatures reduce educational attainments in #India; these effects are intensified over longer time periods; effects are concentrated in rural areas & are more pronounced for females.
#climatechange #Education #AERE #assa2023 #india #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
Happy new year and hi to the Mastodon peeps!
I see #introductions are a thing, so here I go 🤓:
I'm Maja, an #econ postdoc working on #GlobalHealth at the Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Just got back from my email hiatus over the holidays. Now that I'm mostly off twitter, I'm trying to my way around here. Interested in: #AccessToCare #HIV #LMIC #NCDs #Aging #DevEcon #development #Gender #Equity #ResearchEthics #ImpactEval. Excel trashing also welcome.
#introductions #econ #globalhealth #accesstocare #hiv #lmic #NCDs #aging #DevEcon #development #gender #equity #researchethics #impacteval
@marcgoldwein I found some by checking out hashtags and groups. (You can also follow both of those, too.)
Just a few that I'm using.
#economics #agecon #DevEcon #economy #Economist #Mosstodon #biodiversity
May be useful for secondary market in #econ: If you are applying to an #interdisciplinary job, you have to convince a diverse committee. Tailor your cover letter to show your qualifications based on the announcement, interest in interdisciplinary research, and state what attracts you to the unit and uni. To put this in perspective, candidates from other disciplines spend time on this and it stands out when a committee is looking through 100s of applications. #EnvironEcon #DevEcon @agecon
#econ #interdisciplinary #EnvironEcon #DevEcon
How will #ClimateChange impact structural transformation and urbanization in low and middle income countries? We find that rising temperatures in #India inhibit labor reallocation from agricultural to non-agricultural sectors--effectively trapping farmers--and that these effects intensify in the presence of sustained high temperatures.
Read more in my @voxdev column with Maggie Liu and Yogita Shamdasani:
@devecon @environmentalecon #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
#climatechange #india #DevEcon #EnvironEcon
My final #DevEcon blog links of this year is a bumper crop. Includes funding calls, agricultural technology adoption in Africa, causal impacts of electrification, using adaptive experiments, critiquing meta-analysis, and much more...
The penultimate one of our #DevEcon #econjobmarket posts has Curtis Morrill using event studies to measure the impact of the staggered introduction of local elections in Indonesia
Today's #DevEcon #econjobmarket post by Pia Schilling looks at the question of how you should integrate refugee children into schools- first put them in separate classes to teach the local language, or integrate them straight away into the classes with natives? Comparing outcomes for refugees allocated to different school systems, she finds the preparatory language classes backfire
Our last week of #Devecon #econjobmarket posts has Naman Garg's work on how to detect fake news, based on a field experiment in India. - giving subjects weekly digests and examples of repeating fake news patterns helps them become more skeptical and better at discerning truth - and they change their attitudes towards inter-faith couples
What is the impact of introducing mass media in remote rural areas? Can mass media correct misinformation on health.
6 Dec ⏰ 16:00 GMT
I present at VDEV/CEPR/BREAD seminar joint work with Victor Pouliquen & Joanna Murray evaluating mass campaign by DMI.
'The Media or the Message: Experimental Evidence on Mass Media and Contraception in Burkina Faso'
More and sign-up:
#DevEcon #EconTwitter
Today's #DevEcon #econjobmarket post is by Hossein Alidaee, who explores one reason why observations from peers might be more useful than information from extension agents - because there is less context uncertainty.
In today's #DevEcon #econjobmarket post, Kazuki Motohashi looks at negative externalities of a large-scale latrine construction program in India. . The horrifying phrase "fecal sludge" appears multiple times, and he shows how poor infrastructure for emptying the new latrines results in river pollution. This reduces the health benefits of the policy.
Today's #DevEcon #econjobmarket post is by James Allen IV, who looks at how changing the school calendar in Malawi changes the amount of overlap with the farming calendar, with a big effect on schooling: after four years, a 10-day increase in school calendar overlap during peak farming periods reduces school advancement by 0.34 grades after four years, a 10-day increase in school calendar overlap during peak farming periods reduces school advancement by 0.34 grades
Countries with higher initial scores for #GenderEquality under law exhibit more rapid subsequent income convergence
Just-released research by Can Sever of the #IMF #NewPaperAlert #Laborecon #DevEcon —>
#genderequality #imf #NewPaperAlert #LaborEcon #DevEcon
Today's #DevEcon #econjobmarket post looks at the minimum wage literature in a new context - ride-sharing bike taxi drivers in Indonesia. Shotaro Nakamura shows a price floor on the cost of a ride increased prices, but more drivers entered the market, resulting in fewer trips per driver and no increase in driver earnings
Today's #Devecon #econjobmarket post has Hui Zhao examining the impact of a policy in Chinese cities that restricted the import of used cars to reduce dirty emissions. She finds a reduction in imports, but that other cities also change their policies in response. Since used vehicles typically flow from rich to poor cities, poor cities end up with fewer dirty vehicles and less pollution, but richer cities have dirty vehicles remain.