"Tiny Happy People"
"Your Words Build their World"
Clever stuff.
"How to Steer Clear of Illegitimate Treatments for DLD"
I wrote a little article for parents about time-wasting, money-wasting, opportunity-wasting, hope-wasting "interventions" for Developmental Language Disorder for #DLDandME It's here:
It includes tips to help families, and people with DLD to avoid practices that lack evidence of effectiveness.
🐝 As usual, I have a bee in my bonnet about #Pseudoscience.
#dldandme #pseudoscience #DevLangDis
I'm trying to find more adults with developmental disorder to follow. I'm finding plenty of speech therapists, but nobody with the actual disorder. Anybody with a #DevLangDis, comment with a 👍🏼, and I'll follow. Let's grow this community. Thanks.
I'm trying to find more adults with developmental language disorder to follow. I'm finding plenty of speech therapists, but nobody with the actual disorder. Anybody with a #DevLangDis, comment with a 👍🏼, and I'll follow. Let's grow this community. Thanks.
Hi everyone :)
#DevLangDis #SES #inclusion #AAC #SLT #specialeducation
#DevLangDis #ses #inclusion #aac #slt #specialeducation
Using the Open AI chat to generate paragraphs with tier 2 vocabulary.
Request: Write a paragraph that uses the words imitate disguise collaboration monitor and frequency
#DevLangDis #SLP #openai
New study reports on the language gains of a cohort of 154 children with #DevLangDis (4–6 years old), in a special education setting for children with language disorders. The sample included children with receptive–expressive disorders and expressive-only disorders, and monolingual as well as multilingual children. The results suggested that children's language skills improved. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1460-6984.12821
New study reports on the language gains of a cohort of 154 children with #DevLangDis (4–6 years old), in a special education setting for children with language disorders. The sample included children with receptive–expressive disorders and expressive-only disorders, and monolingual as well as multilingual children. The results suggested that children's language skills improved. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1460-6984.12821
One main message of the 1-hour documentary, #BlameItOnGutenberg", is that humans are biologically wired for ORAL language, not written language. Written language must be learned through instruction, and when there is a genetic, neurological glitch, this language learning modality (written language: reading and writing) requires appropriate intervention, intervention that many schools fail to provide. https://blameitongutenberg.org/
#SLP_SLT #SLP #DevLangDis #dyslexia @slp_slt @slpfedi @devlangdis
#blameitongutenberg #SLP_SLT #SLP #DevLangDis #dyslexia
New #SystematicReview suggests that less efficient early auditory processing is a shared mechanism underlying both #LearningDisorders and #DevLangDis #DLD #heterogeneity
#SystematicReview #learningdisorders #DevLangDis #dld #heterogeneity
New #SystematicReview suggests that less efficient early auditory processing is a shared mechanism underlying both #LearningDisorders and #DevLangDis #DLD #heterogeneity
#SystematicReview #learningdisorders #DevLangDis #dld #heterogeneity
#introducton: Hi, I am in my final year of my PhD at the University of Birmingham. I am part of the Language and Cognition lab led by Professor Ewa Dabrowksa. My research investigates #DevLangDis in children and adults.
#introducton: Hi, I am in my final year of my PhD at the University of Birmingham and I am part of the Language and Cognition lab led by Professor Ewa Dabrowksa. My research investigates #DevLangDis in children and adults.
Hello, I'm a New Zealand-born Australian Speech-Language Pathologist #SLP_SLT interested in Children's Speech Sound Disorders #CSSD, #ClinicalPhonology, Developmental Language Disorder #DevLangDis, Early #Literacy, the profound impacts of Science and Pseudoscience on allied health, medical, and education practice, #EBP #E3BP, Implementation science #ImpSci and more. I seek to connect with professionals and "consumers" of #SLP #SLT with kindred interests. Talk soon. Caroline 🙃😎🇦🇺🇳🇿🌻
#introduction #SLP_SLT #CSSD #ClinicalPhonology #DevLangDis #Literacy #EBP #E3BP #ImpSci #SLP #SLT
New paper “late bloomers or language disorder…”. Children who received a #DevLangDis diagnosis between 4 and 7 yrs said a significantly smaller proportion of shape‐based nouns in year 2 than typically developing children and children with other diagnoses (e.g., #dyslexia). The study links to heterogeneity amongst late talkers and offers a new metric for assessing risk https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/desc.13342 #DLD
New paper “late bloomers or language disorder…”. Children who received a #DevLangDis diagnosis between 4 and 7 yrs said a significantly smaller proportion of shape‐based nouns in year 2 than typically developing children and children with other diagnoses (e.g., #dyslexia). The study links to heterogeneity amongst late talkers and offers a new metric for assessing risk https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/desc.13342 #DLD
New Developmental Language Disorder diagnosis modules are now online from #NAPLIC. Designed for professionals as a tool to reflect upon and change practice. Check them out! #DevLangDis
Currently, a Mastodon search can only be done for usernames (user URLs) or hashtags (e.g,, #DevLangDis). Apparently, a more powerful search tool will be available quite soon. #QuiteInteresting
New study: Raising a child bilingually does not exacerbate linguistic and cognitive difficulties in children with #DevLangDis. However, preliminary data suggest it does not lead to cognitive advantages in working memory either https://www.mdpi.com/2226-471X/7/4/287/htm