I’d fully expected to be at my first #DevRelCon this week, but alas! No job yet.
That means y’all need to have an extra bit of fun and put my name on it! 💜
Super interesting talk from Jon Gottfried of Major League Hacking on regarding the importance of playing the long game when it comes to community building, brand identity, and meaningful touches. All backed up by solid, large-scale, long-term data. #DevRelCon
If you know me you know that I'm a *giant* fan of live-tooting[!] which makes it all the more disappointing¹ that #DevRelCon doesn't have a live stream…
¹it is also probably a sizable amount of 💷 left untapped, now in a ““post-COVID”” world more so than ever (which could at least offset, if not fully cover, the added technical/labour cost of streaming)
If you know me you know that I'm a *giant* fan of live-tooting[!] which makes it all the more disappointing¹ that #DevRelCon doesn't have a live stream…
¹it is also probably a sizable amount of 💷left untapped, now in a ““post-COVID”” world more so than ever (which could at least offset, if not cover completely, the technical cost of the streaming)
The absolutely wonderful @wesley83 keynoting at #DevRelCon, reminding us what the core values of #DevRel are. A very personal and heartfelt talk, and one that's really hitting home for me today. Thank you, Wesley.
(p.s. he's also pretty good at bowling!)
Anyway, I'm on my way to #London for #DevRelCon so if you're there please say hi. :apusheenlove:
I’m considering submitting for this, but having trouble coming up with ideas. If you saw my name on a speaker list, what would you hope I’d be speaking on?
From: @floord
The #CFP for #DevRelCon London 2023 is open until March 31.
Join me for #DevRel and more (and a special agenda item I'll help run): https://london-2023.devrelcon.dev
I'm super excited about @llamakarl's talk at #DevRelCon in #Yokohama on March 11th! Check out her short interview about the talk https://youtu.be/_tKSMf9GH4Y
RT @passalanorh@twitter.com
Claro e como sempre, agradeço @pachicodes@twitter.com pelo convite.
Será um prazer falar de algo que eu adoro, ao lado de pessoas que admiro tanto: @frontfabii@twitter.com @luisleao@twitter.com @morgannadev@twitter.com @cynthiazanoni@twitter.com ❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/passalanorh/status/1617876561595887617
RT @passalanorh@twitter.com
No dia 10/02 estarei na #DevRelCon falando sobre MARCA PESSOAL E REPUTAÇÃO, tema que amo e atributos muito importantes para o exercício do papel de DevRel (e outros tb).
Vamos nessa?
Inscreva-se gratuitamente:https://latam-2023.devrelcon.dev/pt/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/passalanorh/status/1617876555476389892
Hey, everyone; I'm looking for a new Developer Advocate role. If you know of anything, please let me know! #devrel #DevRelCon #DevRelFriend #DevRelFriends
#devrel #DevRelCon #devrelfriend #devrelfriends
I just read (well, listened to) @jphwang's recap of #DevRelCon, and couldn't agree more with their sense that #DevRel brings together an especially excellent humans. :blobfoxheartcute:
I wrote about my first experience at #DevRelCon
from the perspective of a #DevRel newbie 🥑.
It was a fascinating, rewarding experience so I wanted to capture a little bit about *why* it was so.
tl;dr: A++; would go again - read more to see why. 😜
Had an absolute blast at #DevRelCon last week! If you're interested in the presentation I gave, it's here: https://notist.davidgs.com/hCdT4J/organizing-managing-and-surviving-the-cfp-process
Great presentation on the value that #DevRel, community, and marketing bring to #opensource projects! Thanks @mattstratton@twitter.com for stepping up and sharing!
RT @mattstratton@twitter.com
Slides from my #DevRelCon talk today are online here - https://speaking.mattstratton.com/c7HCQ7
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mattstratton/status/1600588164992729088
#devrel #opensource #DevRelCon
I had a lovely time at #DevRelCon Prague these past couple of days. Things have been stressful in my professional life over the past few months and it was so good to connect with my tribe, exchange ideas, and get inspired. It was also absolutely necessary to blow off some steam—so the karaoke and dancing was a more than welcome treat for the closing social event. :)
I saw @llamakarl working internally before, and today finally saw her shining externally at #DevRelCon in #prague. The talk was dope!