Homebrew core still doesn't have a v1.20.x release for Go and it frustrates me. Before adding Go to my own tap, I did some quick research and learned a neat trick.
You can install Go with Go and version specific commands. https://lakefs.io/blog/managing-multiple-go-versions-with-go/ #DevTip #golang
Here is a dev tip. If you have to do anything with or around Kubernetes, k9s will make your life so much easier: https://k9scli.io/
k9s is an auxiliary UI around kubectl. You simply turn it on in a terminal and it will live there. k9s gives an immediate feedback around the status of pods and nodes, and saves you from typing 80% of the boilerplate-y kubectl commands.
#DevTip #kubernetes #k8s #kubectl #k9s
You should really `git add` individual files BUT if you're going to be lazy, make sure to use `git add --all` instead of `git add .`.
The former uses git's smart while the latter relies on the shell. #DevTip
Soft line wrapping in VSCode — Here is a quick trick to write Markdown or any text related format in VSCode comfortably and without messing with your file line endings https://links.hoa.ro/shaare/4167HA #vscode #devtip