Generative AI is perched on the peak of inflated expectations in Gartner’s 2023 hype cycle for emerging technologies released Wednesday. #GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #HypeCycle #EmergingTechnologies #Gartner #DeveloperExperience #DevX #PervasiveCloud #HumanCentricSecurity #Privacy #Cybersecurity
#cybersecurity #privacy #humancentricsecurity #pervasivecloud #DevX #developerexperience #gartner #emergingtechnologies #hypecycle #artificialintelligence #generativeAI
The video of my talk from the excellent #WTFisSRE conference a couple of weeks ago is now available. Check out "API Experience is Developer Experience" #DevX
I did my first thought leadership post about developer experience. Please read and leave shitty comments in the replies here
Considering your documention as a product in its own right is a key element of Developer Experience, so I enjoyed reading this post about documentation analytics #DevX #LinkTuesday
I'm at #YOWLondon22 this week, excited a to see everyone, and their talks! Catch my talk "Engineering Documentation" later today, I'm looking forward to this one :) #devx #London #tech
#tech #london #DevX #yowlondon22
I really like tools that make technology easier for developers. So I wrote about using Postman to become familiar with the Aiven API! Postman is a great tool for exploring APIs, even if you will use them directly in your application later #api #devx
More webhooks providers should offer the feature to route them locally for testing. Pleased to see GitHub offering it, because they kind of lead the way! #DevX #webhooks
@Miikka A considerable part of Developer Experience work is about recognising that good engineering means more than "good coding". Make developers a stakeholder (with requirements!) in every piece of software development, and fulfil your responsibilities to them, whether they are colleagues or clients. #DevX #DX
Docs as code is a great fit for developer platforms. I've written a blog post about the Sphinx plugins that I use the most on these projects - would love to hear more recommendations too #DevX #docsascode