I was asked to review this paper last year for inclusion in the journal "Developmental Science" and agreed on the condition that I could share my review publicly, and they asked that I wait until the article had been published. It now has!
Brilliant paper, give it a read if you're into #ColourVision!
#ColorVision #Color #Colour
#DevelopmentalScience #VisionScience
#colourvision #PREreview #colorvision #color #colour #DevelopmentalScience #visionscience
now that the Great #ScienceTwitter Migration is for real, here's my #introduction 👋🏻
my name is Sam, I study the #psychology of #music and #sound
my lab is split between New Haven (at Yale) and New Zealand (at the University of Auckland). we use many methods, from #DevelopmentalScience to #CrossCultural approaches to #DataScience
I'm really into #Gamification and #CitizenScience — we run about 1M participants per year at https://themusiclab.org (give our #cognition games a try!)
#cognition #citizenscience #gamification #datascience #CrossCultural #DevelopmentalScience #sound #Music #psychology #introduction #sciencetwitter