Shout out to all the outsiders out there - those who have never quite fit in with the community around you. I think you know, as I do, you are actually a part of a larger world community, and "your people" are scattered among countries the world over. Never despair, you are important and you are prized. Keep the faith in that which you love - in other words, be YOU #outsiders #weirdos #nerds #geeks #freaks #heretics #deviant
#outsiders #weirdos #nerds #geeks #freaks #heretics #Deviant
So, jumping on the new meme
5 Games I have played, in no order
5 Games I want to GM (out of many many many)
Honestly, you could probably talk me in to GMind just about anything.
#vtm #mta #InSpectres #callofcthulhu #HeavyGear #bladesinthedark #TimeWatch #deltagreen #Deviant #FateofCthulhu