Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #PS2 #sega #SEGA音 #capcom #SquareEnix #SNK #outrun2006 #virtuafighter4 #SamuraiShodown #FinalFantasyXII #ValkyrieProfile2 #StreetFighterAlpha #odinsphere #DevilMayCry #DMC #dragonquarter #BreathofFire
#ps2 #sega #sega音 #capcom #squareenix #snk #outrun2006 #virtuafighter4 #samuraishodown #FinalFantasyXII #valkyrieprofile2 #streetfighteralpha #odinsphere #DevilMayCry #dmc #dragonquarter #breathoffire
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #xbox360 #CallofDuty #ResidentEvil #ResidentEvil5 #DevilMayCry
#xbox360 #callofduty #residentevil #residentevil5 #DevilMayCry
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 une console #ps4 et son lot de jeux #ELDENRING #CallofDuty #MortalKombat11 #AttackOnTitan #AttackOnTitan2 #Battlefield2042 #DevilMayCry #tomclancys #RainbowSixSiege
#ps4 #eldenring #callofduty #mortalkombat11 #attackontitan #attackontitan2 #BATTLEFIELD2042 #DevilMayCry #tomclancys #rainbowsixsiege
Resident Evil & Monster Hunter still dominate Capcom’s best-sellers list
------------------ #monsterhunter #StreetFighter #ResidentEvil #DevilMayCry #Capcom #Money #News
#monsterhunter #StreetFighter #ResidentEvil #DevilMayCry #Capcom #money #News
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 lot de jeux #PS3 #Uncharted #DevilMayCry #fear2 #ninjagaiden
#ps3 #uncharted #DevilMayCry #fear2 #ninjagaiden
Arrivage 🤩🤩🤩 du bon jeux pour la #PS2 #Spyro #SpyroTheDragon #CrashBandicoot #RatchetAndClank #DevilMayCry #halflife #NARUTO #runevikingwarlord #DragonBallZ #burnout2
#ps2 #spyro #SpyroTheDragon #CrashBandicoot #RatchetAndClank #DevilMayCry #halflife #naruto #runevikingwarlord #dragonballz #burnout2
Tra l'altro, di #DevilMayCry non ho mai giocato niente, solo in parte al terzo (che ho adorato subito). Ho fatto un giro di prova col primo e mi son trovato spaesato. Meravigliose le ambientazioni, complicato il sistema di lotta, almeno per me.
Ho comprato i cinque capitoli di #DevilMayCry, escluso il remake americano #DMC.
Stasera finisco Hades, ho dovuto fermarmi perché mi rodeva troppo il culo. Per due volte arrivo da Ade, e due volte mi fracca di botte.
Però devo dirlo... ho ritrovato il piacere dei videogiochi.
"To help newcomers make connections: name 5-7 things that interest you but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable."
I love:
#bugs, #insects, #beetles, #isopods
#photography, #DigitalPhotography
#EnamelPins (I collect them)
#WipEout and #Pacer (+ #WipEoutGame and #PacerGame because the game names are generic words)
#SMT, #ShinMegamiTensei
#Undertale and #Deltarune
#actuallyautistic #JudasPriest #bugs #insects #beetles #isopods #pinball #photography #DigitalPhotography #EnamelPins #nomanssky #WipEout #Pacer #WipEoutGame #PacerGame #HollowKnight #SpyroTheDragon #SMT #ShinMegamiTensei #undertale #deltarune #DevilMayCry
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标题: Садовод-любитель 业余园丁
原作: Devil May Cry
作者: TheRisingValkyrie
译者: 百忧解
分级: 全年龄(G)
警告: 无警示内容
配对: 但丁/维吉尔无差