All four of our Devil's Tongue babies are growing. I am very excited. π
I love these odd plants.
They're all foliage in the summer but, in the early spring, they produce a single giant dark red flower that smells like death. (It's related to the corpse flower.)
With our luck, they'll all flower next January and stink up the house. π
#DevilsTongue #Konjac #KonjacRoot #tropicalplants #amorphophallus #amorphophalluskonjac #garden #plants #gardening #smellyplants #coolplants
#coolplants #smellyplants #Gardening #Plants #garden #amorphophalluskonjac #amorphophallus #TropicalPlants #konjacroot #konjac #DevilsTongue
Israele ha giΓ sostituito NSO: Candiru ha spiato giornalisti grazie a zero day su Chrome - Matrice Digitale #candiru #cyberwarfare #devilstongue #dirittiumani #evidenza #giornalismo #sorveglianza #spyware #25luglio
#25luglio #spyware #sorveglianza #giornalismo #evidenza #dirittiumani #DevilsTongue #cyberwarfare #candiru
#DevilsTongue : le logiciel-#espion venu dβIsraΓ«l qui espionne journalistes et ONGs !
#DevilsTongue #espion #securite #spyware #candiru