Grumpy cat finding an impossibly small spot to sit in.
The cone is now off and she is muuuch happier. Though, I suspect, spent the whole day cleaning herself.
Tha dealbh agam deiseil airson #Dicatairne 😁
Tha dealbhan eile aig mo chunntas-piseag @athair_birb 😸
Stealing a friend's cat for Internet clout
Tha mi a’ goid cat mo charaid airson puingean eadar-lìn
Hey, it’s #Caturday!
‘S e #DiCatairne a th’ ann!
Minnie’s interests include gardening, napping, lap-warming, staying home and guarding her property, watching out for deliveries, hiding from all visitors except one, and hissing at her sister. She’s the one on the right.
Trixie’s interests include gardening, napping, lap-warming, wandering up and down the street, befriending all visitors and neighbours and passersby, and … hissing at her sister.
'S e #DiCatairne a-rithist!
Zeo Fearghas a cadal air an langasaid (facal ceart ?)
It's #Caturday again!
Here's Fergus sleeping on the couch.
#DiCatairne #caturday #Gaidhlig #Gaelic
Bonus dealbh!
Bha mi ag radh gu bheil mi ag iarraidh program Linux airson keyboard a dhuineadh nuair a bhi a chait a coiseachd air an keyboard.
An uair sin leig e sìos air an mouse-pad!
I was saying that I wanted a linux program to stop input from the keyboard when the cat walks across it. Then he lay down on the mousepad!
#DiCatairne #caturday #Gaidhlig #Gaelic
Ooh, it’s #caturday!
Tha i #DiCatairne an-diugh!
Yes, thus bundle of fluff is in fact a cat 😆
@clamhan Seo cat m' antaidh na chadal air am brat-ùrlair. Seall air a spogan! :blobcathearteyes:
Tha mi deiseil airson #DiCatairne, a bheil thusa?
Aon dealbh ùr anns mo fòn 🐱
I've just seen @Olaindeach use #DiCatairne (Gaidhlig) and now I'm wondering what the Gaeilge would be. #DéCathairn?
Is é #DiCatairne atá ann agus seo Ollie anseo nuair a bhíonn sé socair 's gan é craiceáilte.
@gunchleoc mise! Seo Ferg Mór a-rithist
#DiCatairne #caturday #Gaidhlig #Gaelic