I posted my introduction some time ago, but failed to pin it, so here goes again.
I'm a retired writing mainly in and other languages.
Things I like now are .

#T1 #Diabetic #programmer #assembler #bal #sql #pascal #diskworld #folkmusic #art #Dorset

Last updated 1 year ago

Sara2309🐝 · @sara2309
71 followers · 529 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@t3kk πŸ‘πŸ‘ Well done. I know how hard it is.


Last updated 2 years ago

Alan · @folkalpoint
84 followers · 329 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@paulpeace As a I believe the government recommendations and some mainstream diet advice has not kept up with the research in the last few years. I have two simple rules I use.
Avoid processed foods : Examples include 'low fat', which is usually added water plus chemicals and 'reduced sugar' which usually means added chemical sweeteners, which mostly don't help diabetics.
Avoid or reduce : Sweet things, desserts obviously, but including potatoes, cereals, bread.

#Diabetic #Carbohydrates

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy Pandy · @purkiss_andy
53 followers · 235 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Combination of bright sun, followed by darkened room meant that I didn't need the pupil dilation drops for my annual screening.
Side effect was that everything seemed dim, for a while, after the bright flashes when the pictures were taken.

#Diabetic #retinopathy #t1d

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan · @workinprogress
6 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@gfaghe @KiraNewmanMDPhD I have type 2 and have just joined mastodon would like to follow where to find them?

#Diabetic #clinicians #scientists

Last updated 2 years ago

So this is why i love , and geek out/get excited by using emerging technology for . This -prescribed- app (second time i’ve heard of that) looks at a sufferers’s nightmare, and uses gyro/accelerometer/heartrate to see when they could be occuring. It sends soothing pulses through your wrist, to guide your subconscious out of it.

I really wanna get back into my based app rn


#Diabetic #adhd #applewatch #ptsd #mentalhealth #healthtech

Last updated 2 years ago

I’m a north ’er who is into , all kinds of /#foodporn. Have a love for and always paid . Dogs make EVERYTHING ok. Everything. Almost. 
Health wise, because it shapes who I am, #420 very much matters

In life you can be oh so smart, or oh so present; for years I was smart, I recommend present (/Harvey)

Techy jack of all, code apps/sites

Erm; er… & proud of this superpower

#introduction #london #dogs #food #dogtax #Diabetic #neurodiverse #stoma #Crohns #cannabis #mentalhealth #dyslexic

Last updated 2 years ago

Hashtag storm incoming ! part 2.

I’m a ’er (am I the first to say here?) who is into , all kinds of /#foodporn. Have a love for and always paid .

Health wise, because it shapes who I am, #420

In life you can be oh so smart, or oh so present; for years I was smart, I recommend present (/Harvey)


Techy jack of all.

#swiftui #javascript #css #php #wordpress #covers #rock #hiphop #cannabis #Crohns #stoma #neurodiverse #Diabetic #dogtax #food #dogs #Cockfosters #london #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago