#Celtic #MythologyMonday: #Diancecht had inserted a prosthesis of silver for #Nuada's severed arm, but a black beetle lived in it, causing the king terrible pain by nibbling at his wound. With the help of his sister #Airmed, #Miach was able to grow him a new arm. But Diancecht then killed his son out of jealousy and buried him in the ground. From #Miach's grave, however, 365 different medicinal herbs grew through #Airmed's tears, which she named and saved. When #Diancecht found out, he mixed them all up so that their powers were lost. Only #Airmed knew them and knew how to use them.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die #Druiden`
#celtic #mythologymonday #Diancecht #Nuada #Airmed #Miach #Druiden
At the river #Barrow in #Leinster the #Irish god of healing, #Diancécht, was slaying a serpent and burned her to ash who would otherwise have devoured all the cattle in #Ireland.
There may be a hidden seasonal myth in this stories, with the serpent representing the winter goddess who gives way to her double, the blooming spring.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @GodysseyPodcast
Surgeon of the Gods, Dian Cecht helped the Morrigan give birth to a monstrous child, which they slew it was so evil. From the child…
#barrow #leinster #irish #Diancecht #ireland #celtic #mythology #folklore
#Celtic #LegendaryWednesday: Deceived by the goddess #Bóand with the god #Dagda, the #Irish god #Nuada was further deceived when the son of that affair, #Aonghus Óg, tricked the leader of the Tuatha dé Danann out of the great palace Brú na Bóinne, the great tumulus on the River Boyne.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @NeuKelte
#Celtic #FaustianFriday: #Diancecht had inserted a prosthesis of silver for #Nuada's severed arm, but a black beetle lived in it, causing the king …
#celtic #LegendaryWednesday #boand #Dagda #irish #Nuada #aonghus #mythology #folklore #FaustianFriday #Diancecht
#Celtic #MythologyMonday #DisabilityTwitter: #Miach was an even better doctor than his father #Diancecht. One story reports that he performed an eye transplant.
Source: Peter Berresford Ellis
#celtic #mythologymonday #disabilitytwitter #Miach #Diancecht #celticknowledge
The #IronAge #Celtic surgeon #Miach was an even better doctor than his father #Diancecht. One story reports that he performed an eye transplant.
Source: Peter Berresford Ellis `The #Druids`
#ironage #celtic #Miach #Diancecht #druids #celticknowledge
The #Celtic #druid #Diancecht had inserted a prosthesis of silver for #Nuada's severed arm, but a black beetle lived in it, causing the king terrible pain by nibbling at his wound. With the help of his sister #Airmed, #Miach was able to grow him a new arm. But Diancecht then killed his son out of jealousy and buried him in the ground.
From #Miach's grave, however, 365 different medicinal herbs grew through #Airmed's tears, which she named and saved. When #Diancecht found out, he mixed them all up so that their powers were lost. Only #Airmed knew them and knew how to use them.
Source: Guyonvarc'h/Le Roux `Die Druiden`
#celtic #druid #Diancecht #Nuada #Airmed #Miach
#Nuada, king of the #TuathaDéDanann when they first came to #Ireland, lost his arm in the first battle of #MagTuired and hence, he lost the kingship. #Credne, the #Celtic bronze smith, made a prosthesis of silver, which #Diancecht so skilfully attached that #Nuada had a fully functional arm again. Hence he was called Nuada Argat-lamh, of the Silver Hand, for ever after.
Source: https://mythicalireland.com/myths-and-legends/an-irish-myth-concordance-m-z/
#Nuada #TuathaDéDanann #ireland #MagTuired #Credne #celtic #Diancecht