“Street of Fire” 1984 - #BFest
Because “The Warriors” needed some music numbers. It’s fun but the #lawless parallel world with #DianeLane is giving “Mad Dog Time” vibes. And I think I’ll still prefer T-Bird #davidpatrickkelly to Raven #willemdafoe.
If you want to know about the #movie where #jeffgoldblum plays #michaelpare and #gabrielbyrne plays Dafoe, check out this episode of “NinetyForChill: The #Podcast.
#bfest #lawless #DianeLane #davidpatrickkelly #willemdafoe #movie #jeffgoldblum #michaelpare #gabrielbyrne #podcast
In today's review, I try to find truth, justice and the American way. As I attempt a #positive review of the 2006 drama Hollywoodland #AdrienBrody
#CarolineDhavernas http://therealmrpositive.com/2022/05/24/hollywoodland-2006/
#positive #adrienbrody #DianeLane #benaffleck #bobhoskins #robintunney #KathleenRobertson #LoisSmith #LarryCedar #CarolineDhavernas