Are you following the case of the clear political arrests by #DictatorSununu?
#DictatorSununu #NHpolitics #policestate
Do you think that #DictatorSununu and his #police should be punished? Do you plan to vote to reelect Sununu?
#DictatorSununu #police #NHpolitics
Do you support #DictatorSununu?
#DictatorSununu #DemSununu #AnyoneButSununu #abs #NHpolitics
Have you heard of the #Resolve? Are you paying attention to #NHpolitics? What are you doing to remove #DictatorSununu
#Resolve #NHpolitics #DictatorSununu
If DC politicians and #DictatorSununu have their way, NH will be getting lots more housing projects very soon!!!
#DictatorSununu #secession #housing #NHpolitics
Do you want #DictatorSununu to remain in power in New Hampshire?
#DictatorSununu #NHpolitics #coronafascism
Should unvaccinated people be fired? Should the government step in?
#NHpolitics #DictatorSununu #coronafascism #vaccines
This State Rep. is furious that so few of his colleagues are condemning the clearly political arrests ordered by Dictator Sununu. Have your Reps condemned Sununu and called for an investigation?
Sununu's support is plummeting - and he seems hellbent on burning every last bridge he has to the conservative and pro-freedom movement. But why would he do that?
#NHpolitics #DictatorSununu #coronafascism
In a 4-1 vote today, the Executive Council REJECTED federal money which would have gone towards funding #CoronaFascism!!
Liberty WINS in New Hampshire!!!
#NHpolitics #DictatorSununu
#coronafascism #NHpolitics #DictatorSununu
Is #DictatorSununu pushing $300 million of corrupt anti-freedom, anti-privacy #coronafascism contracts that you will be forced to fund?? Is this corruption? Who is receiving this money? Lots of questions!
#DictatorSununu #coronafascism #NHpolitics
The liberty movement in New Hampshire - and the strong opposition to coronafascism are growing every day!
#DictatorSununu #coronafascism #NHpolitics
Over 1,000 people (many of them armed) showed up in Concord on Saturday to protest corona-fascism, which is still somehow increasing each day, despite being 2 years into the 'worst pandemic ever'. How are these protesters still alive?
#COVID #CoronaFascism #DictatorSununu
#covid #coronafascism #DictatorSununu