Three Body
My spoiler free review for Three Body is on letterbox:
I loved it, but I don't think its for
everyone. If you have seen it, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#movies #filmeundserien #filmastodon #mastomovies
#letterbox #scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen #movies #filmeundserien #filmastodon #mastomovies
if you want to watch Three Body, it is currently on Youtube.
Yes, all 30 Episodes of season 1 for free with english subs
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#movietrivia #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #deliverance
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen #movietrivia #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #deliverance
Three Body
Going to binge the rest of the TV Series tonight
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#movietrivia #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #deliverance
#nowwatching #scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen #movietrivia #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #filmastodon #mastomovies #deliverance
Can happily report that by now the FIRST TEN EPISODES (of 30) of the Chinese SF sensation #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched FOR FREE at ... several epic story arcs are emerging but also tons of fascinating details on the side, like radio interference issues in #astronomy. And ... #lightpollution as a serious environmental problem.
#lightpollution #astronomy #DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody
Höre gerade den zweiten Teil der Trisoalris Trilogie von Cixin Liu: Der Dunkle Wald
Gibt es übrigens als sowohl als Hörbuch als auch als Ebook bei der Onleihe, also praktisch gratis. ;-),0-0-783670751-200-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen #derdunklewald
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen #derdunklewald
Three Body by Tencent today releasing its 13th episode on Rakuten Viki.
Gonna watch eps 10-13 today.
So far its amazing and pretty true to the book.
Btw: I expect all 30 episodes of Season 1 will cover part 1 of the Three Body Trilogy.
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen #rakutenviki #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows #filmbbubble
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen #rakutenviki #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows #filmbbubble
Audiobook gehört:
Die Drei Sonnen
Teil 1 der Trisolaris Trilogie
Cixin Liu
Extrem gute Hard SciFi mit einigen - nennen wir es mal - literarischen Schwächen.
Die Erzählstruktur ist ... gewöhnungsbedürftig, was möglicherweise an meiner kulturellen Ignoranz gegenüber chinesischen Lese- und Schreibgewohnheiten liegt. Ein deutsches Lektorat würde wahrscheinlich 1/3 wegkürzen. Andererseits sind die vielen Details,
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen
Happy to report that by now the FIRST FIVE EPISODES of the Chinese SF drama #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched FOR FREE at - and boy, does episode five suddenly get #astronomical, hardcore! (But what's the bigger mystery: what happens at the end of the countdown ... or will #WeTV discontinue making new episodes freely available every few days eventually? :-)
#wetv #astronomical #DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody
Ich habs zwar schon mal gehört, aber bevor ich Serie schaue, höre ich mir die komplette Trilogie noch einmal an.
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen
Oh, es gibt eine neue chinesische Verfilmung der Trilogie "Die Drei Sonnen" von Cixin Liu. Darauf bin ich wirklich gespannt
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #ChineseSF #diedreisonnen
#scifi #trisolaris #threebodyproblem #cixinliu #chinesesf #DieDreiSonnen
Hey, just found out that the FIRST THREE episodes of #ThreeBody / #TheThreeBodyProblem / #DieDreiSonnen can be watched for free at - only a few minutes into the fourth one payment is requested. So one tenth of the 30-episodes show is out there: told very slowly, so if you don't know the books you'd still have no clue at this point what's actually going on ... ;-)
#DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem #threebody
#TheThreeBodyProblem bzw. wenn's auf deutsch sein soll: #DieDreiSonnen von #CixinLiu! 🚀
Und um die Quarantäne nicht qualvoll werden zu lassen, auch gleich noch die beiden anderen Teile der #Trisolaris-Reihe :mastoinnocent:
#trisolaris #cixinliu #DieDreiSonnen #thethreebodyproblem