Now starting: The final conference of the @bmbf_bund #eHeritage funding line at the #DLR in #Bonn. It’s such a nice opportunity to meet again the other eHeritage projects and see what they have done since we met last year. Happy that this time we’re here with the complete #DiGA team. #CulturalHeritage #DigitalHumanities #eHeritage2023
#eheritage2023 #digitalhumanities #culturalheritage #Diga #bonn #DLR #eheritage
Small update from the #DiGA project: The #RuhrUniBochum university library, who kindly hosts our #SKOSMOS instance, took some time to develop a small extension for us. Now the DiGA #Thesaurus of #BuddhistArt displays illustrations of the concepts (where available). This is a big step forward, as having images makes understanding the visual concepts much easier! See e.g. #DigitalArtHistory #CulturalHeritage #DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #culturalheritage #digitalarthistory #BuddhistArt #thesaurus #skosmos #ruhrunibochum #Diga
We published a dataset paper about the #DiGA #Thesaurus for #BuddhistArt: Autiero, S., Elwert, F., Moscatelli, C., & Pons, J. (2023). The Seven Steps: Building the DiGA Thesaurus. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 9: 11, pp. 1–14. DOI:
It's great to see it out there, and we hope it encourages constructive criticism, re-use and possibly future collaborations. #Gandhara #ArtHistory #Buddhism #DigitalHumanities #LinkedOpenData #SKOS
#skos #linkedopendata #digitalhumanities #buddhism #arthistory #gandhara #BuddhistArt #thesaurus #Diga
Recently, Raymond Lam interviewed us for #Buddhistdoor about the #DiGA project and our recent work in the #Digitization of Buddhist Art from Pakistan. It was a nice opportunity to talk about a bit of the background of the project, and the role the #DigitalHumanities play in it. #Buddhism #Gandhara
#gandhara #buddhism #digitalhumanities #digitization #Diga #buddhistdoor
Oops. Apparently me uploading a batch of data from the Digitization of Gandharan Art #DiGA project to our cloud storage caused a major alert in our university’s network operations center. 😬 That explains the number of messages and missed calls on my phone. 🙈
RT @PTK_Hessen
#DiGa können #Psychotherapie nicht ersetzen, nur ergänzen o. in leichten Fällen die hohen Wartezeiten überbrücken. Bei schweren psychischen Erkrankungen ist persönl. psychotherapeut. Betreuung dringend notwendig! Hubloher, @vzhessen dazu im @capitalMagazin
Por fin #LLAMADAAPROYECTO en Álava! 👏
Gran avance fruto de la denuncia y reclamación colectiva de la Asoc. #Diseñadore/as #Diga, que llevan años de trabajo y reivindicación contra #concursosespeculativos #cartel
#cartel #concursosespeculativos #Diga #Diseñadore #LLAMADAAPROYECTO