Just bought a #digirig with my #yaesu ft857 #hamradio. Trying to connect using a MacBook Pro. I've managed to get CAT control with both #flrig and #wsjtx. FT-8 audio seems to work for decoding, but nothing is transmitting.
Any ideas on what to try? Online documentation seems to all be about Windows.
#wsjtx #flrig #hamradio #yaesu #Digirig
Anyone with #DigiRig experience want to help me diagnose a weird issue I'm seeing?
I'm trying to hook it up to my #Yaesu #FT70 with the cable directly from DigiRig.
When I try to send packets from direwolf, the PTT keys (yay!) for a split second (boo) before just cutting off, and nothing is heard over RF.
Out of curiosity, I tried using the stock BTECH #APRS cable with the UV5R, and that also doesn't appear to work, though that could easily be the cable.
#packetradio #aprs #ft70 #yaesu #Digirig
I just learned this, so, in case anyone else needs to know:
A #Yaesu #FT70DR can be powered by its charger as long as you don’t have the battery in.
My #YSF #PiStar is going to see a lot more use now that I don’t have to remember to keep my HT charged.
This is also going to make the #digirig I just ordered a lot more useful. I can put off buying a mobile radio that much longer now :D
Now to hack together a car 12V wire. . .
#digitalmodes #hamr #Digirig #pistar #ysf #ft70dr #yaesu
Ordered a #digirig. Will be useful to work using digi modes with my HTs, but also I can't help but support businesses who are so confident in their quality that they include schematics for the cables they sell right on the store page, so you can make them yourself instead of ordering them.
I wanted to use my #digirig with an #ft891 connected to a #raspberrypi and ran into problems with it always going into continuous sending when connecting. Turns out my #gpsd config was wrong, this solution helped: https://forum.digirig.net/t/trouble-and-solution-connecting-digirig-to-a-raspberry-pi/1048
#gpsd #raspberrypi #ft891 #Digirig
My winlink/APRS kit is coming together. All I need a a battery that can charger via usb. #winlink #WinlinkWednesday #aprs #signalstick #Digirig #baofeng
#baofeng #Digirig #signalstick #aprs #WinlinkWednesday #winlink
2022-12-30: SOTA: LA/VF-013 Jordstøyp
#hamradio #20m #digirig #ft4 #ft817 #invertedv #QRP #sota #summitsontheair
#SummitsOnTheAir #sota #qrp #invertedv #ft817 #FT4 #Digirig #20m #hamradio
2022-12-28: Every day should be field day: Frodeåsen
#invertedv #ft817 #ft8 #FT4 #dipole #Digirig #20m #hamradio
Progress on my portable/offgrid #radio kit. #Yaesu FT-857D with #Armoloq pack frame, #Digirig for digital modes, and soon a 10ah LiFePo4 battery. Probably will use an old ThinkPad X230 for the computer side of things… maybe. Not the best power efficiency. Still need to decide on a bag, maybe PRC 117G pouch (molle ftw). Not to mention solar panels and a charge controller. Still considering options there as I of course want to support multiple loads (such as lights, computer charging, etc.)
#Digirig #armoloq #yaesu #radio
I'm a recently licensed Class 2 Irish Radio Experimenter. My current interests are using #vhf #uhf for #digital communication. My current project is setting up #vx6e for #aprs using #digirig and #direwolf. 73, Sandip EI7IJB #introductions
#introductions #direwolf #Digirig #aprs #vx6e #digital #uhf #vhf