Officially launched the EMILI (Early Medieval Irish Latinate Inscriptions) website & phase 1 of the digital corpus @SCSlibrary #SCSTionól2022 yesterday. Thanks to a Royal Irish Academy
Nowlan Digitisation Grant 2021 & @DIAS_Dublin for hosting & especially @jfbucas for website development #EMILI #DigitalEpigraphy #EarlyIrish
#scstionol2022 #emili #DigitalEpigraphy #EarlyIrish
Officially launched the EMILI (Early Medieval Irish Latinate Inscriptions) website & phase 1 of the digital corpus @SCSlibrary #SCSTionól2022 yesterday. Thanks to a Royal Irish Academy
Nowlan Digitisation Grant 2021 & @DIAS_Dublin for hosting & especially @jfbucas for website development #EMILI #DigitalEpigraphy #EarlyIrish
#scstionol2022 #emili #DigitalEpigraphy #EarlyIrish
Hi everyone! I’m finally getting around to a brief introduction. I’m a postdoctoral researcher (on the OG(H)AM project: in the Early Irish Department at #MaynoothUniversity. My research interests generally are in early medieval Irish language, archaeology, history and literature, more specifically #EarlyIrishEpigraphy #OghamAndInsularLatinPaleaography #DigitalEpigraphy and #DigitalImaging
#MaynoothUniversity #EarlyIrishEpigraphy #OghamAndInsularLatinPaleaography #DigitalEpigraphy #digitalimaging