#DigitalForHeritage The National Lottery Heritage Fund's Digital Skills for Heritage initiative is supporting the international
Heritage Dot conference, online on 22 March. Book your free place & find out how cultural orgs across the UK are using digital to deliver access to & co-create heritage! https://heritagedot.org
#EDI #Digital #Heritage #Culture
#DigitalForHeritage #edi #digital #heritage #culture
If you aren't able to join the VocalEyes Digital Volunteering forum today (https://vocaleyes.co.uk/sign-up-for-vocaleyes-digital-volunteering-forum/) do check out their amazing Heritage Access 2022 accessibility audit - a benchmark of UK cultural sector website accessibility produced by volunteers! https://vocaleyes.co.uk/research/heritage-access-2022/ #DigitalForHeritage
What is #DigitalVolunteering? My definition is: "Digital Volunteering describes volunteer activities that require technical skill or expertise and/or that are carried out at distance" #DigitalForHeritage
#digitalvolunteering #DigitalForHeritage
At the National Lottery Heritage Fund #DigitalForHeritage supported VocalEyes Digital Volunteering Forum event today!
1 of 17 amazing projects supported by our Digital Volunteering fund, designed to provide inspirational examples of effective digital volunteering practice for the cultural sector
Interested in/working with #digitisation in the UK? The National Lottery Heritage Fund are hosting a Leading the Sector digitisation event on the afternoon of March 31st - save the date! More info asap (you can star this toot for the update) #DigitalForHeritage
#digitisation #DigitalForHeritage
Interested in finding out more about working with #digital #volunteers?
VocalEyes’ Digital Volunteering Forum looks at digital & remote volunteering in the arts & heritage sectors & beyond. 23 Feb online:
I've been really proud to support this work through the National Lottery Heritage Fund's Digital Volunteering stream - designed to provide organisational outcomes & UK wide exemplars, as part of our Digital Skills for Heritage initiative #DigitalForHeritage
#digital #volunteers #DigitalForHeritage
Delighted to announce the launch of 'Creating digital resources: #GDPR, #copyright & using #open licences', a new National Lottery Heritage Fund commissioned toolkit produced by award winning copyright expert Naomi Korn.
Lots of tips & templates to help organisations working with contractors, volunteers & members of the public to use @creativecommons to openly licence their digital resources in line with GDPR & privacy rules
#gdpr #copyright #open #DigitalForHeritage #openknowledge
If you work in relation to UK heritage, why not consider applying for a grant this year? Take a look at our digital requirements! https://www.heritagefund.org.uk/funding/good-practice-guidance/digital-guidance-projects
#DigitalForHeritage #DigitalHeritage #OpenKnowledge #OpenCulture
#DigitalForHeritage #digitalheritage #openknowledge #openculture
RT @josiefraser
If you somehow managed to miss the incredible launch yesterday, check out the brand new @HeritageFundUK & @DCMS supported #DigitalHeritageHub -providing accessible, open online learning & answers to the sectors top 100 digital questions http://www.culturehive.co.uk/digital-heritage-hub/ #digitalforheritage
#DigitalHeritageHub #DigitalForHeritage