RT @Socialistas_PE: 📊✅Esperamos que las autoridades nacionales de #proteccióndedatos estén atentas, para que los datos no se desvíen para otro fin que no sea potenciar la libre circulación.
🗣️@JFLopezAguilar @europarlAV
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JFLopezAguilar/status/1622359526153273344
#proteccióndedatos #DigitalGreenCertificate
I am grateful to be fully vaccinated, as is my whole family, and I am grateful we have a decent prof of vaccination system in the EU. I have my #DigitalGreenCertificate lasered on my keychain and am happy to use it when needed.
The #DigitalGreenCertificate, the European Proof of vaccination. Laser engraved. So you can put it on your keychain ;) It sorta works, but getting the camera to scan it takes some experimenting. But - how cool is that! :)
And I just checked my freshly minted #DigitalGreenCertificate with the German #CovPassCheck app from @rki_de@twitter.com @Ubirch_Trust@twitter.com - no surprises. Works. My vaccination certificate is valid and works. :)
#DigitalGreenCertificate #CovPassCheck
They said it couldn’t be done. But here it is. Thanks to the power of #OpenSource and the @EU_Commission@twitter.com. I have my #DGC, the #DigitalGreenCertificate. Safely stored in the German #CoronaWarnApp. I can travel again and prove my vaccination status. Wow.
#opensource #dgc #DigitalGreenCertificate #CoronaWarnApp
… and done! Got my #DigitalGreenCertificate. Scanned it with the German #CoronaWarnApp and am now fully vaccinated and can prove it with my smartphone! YAY!
#DigitalGreenCertificate #CoronaWarnApp
Ab nächsten Montag können sich Geimpfte in der Apotheke den QR Code holen und das europäische #DigitalGreenCertificate in der #CoronaWarnApp freischalten. Reisefreiheit genießen. Dank #OpenSource.
#DigitalGreenCertificate #CoronaWarnApp #opensource
This is the power of #opensource. From next Monday I can add my #DigitalGreenCertificate to prove my vaccination status to the German #CoronaWarnApp and travel freely in the EU! Privacy respecting!
#opensource #DigitalGreenCertificate #CoronaWarnApp
Danke, danke, danke!
Endlich sprechen wir über den Elefanten im Raum.
Wichtiger Text von ein paar sehr klugen Leuten.
#digitalerImpfpass #DigitalGreenCertificate
RT @sedyst@twitter.com
The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest just submitted a bug report: European Digital COVID Certificates: When Governments Move Fast and Break Things
#digitalerImpfpass #DigitalGreenCertificate
RT @irisma8
„Wie ein toter Fisch liegt die #Coronawarnapp auf ca. 27 Millionen Handys. Hin und wieder klopft man auf das Glas und guckt, ob sie noch zuckt“, sagte mir ein Entwickler. Sobald das #DigitalGreenCertificate hier abgeholt werden kann, bekommt die App vielleicht endlich mehr Leben.
#CoronaWarnApp #DigitalGreenCertificate