Frank Bennett · @fgbjr
408 followers · 1682 posts · Server

Jurism 6.0.20 is now available.

is a variant of the Zotero reference manager that adds support for legal and multilingual citations. The software suffered two years without updates, but that changes today. If you work in multiple languages or need to reference legal materials, it's worth a look.

#writingtools #writing #ReferenceManagers #productivity #DigitalHumanitites #Jurism

Last updated 1 year ago

DH in a Mug ☕️🤖 · @dhinamug
75 followers · 35 posts · Server
Julia Leyda⚜️💜💚💛⚜️ · @jules
571 followers · 141 posts · Server

My video essay, a collaboration with Kathleen Loock, "Climate Fictions, Dystopias, and Human Futures" made this list! Truly surprised and very excited.


The best video essays of 2022 | Sight and Sound

#clifi #climatefiction #VideoEssays #DigitalHumanitites #EnvironmentalHumanities #filmstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

N.A. Hintermann · @nahint
30 followers · 44 posts · Server

Wow! Major ERC-grant for a new project called "Midrash" that aims to enable full-text search for all manuscripts in Hebrew script.
Congrats to @d_stoekl !
Now we need the same for as well!

, ,

#DigitalHumanitites #hebrew #manuscripts #arabic

Last updated 2 years ago

Carlos · @carloslr
8 followers · 4 posts · Server

I have had the privilege of attending the December 2022 @camdighum School.
It has been an intense and inspiring programme, full of insightful discussions with attendees from all over the world and hands-on workshops with leading experts.
Thank you to everyone who has made it happen.

#culturalheritage #data #DigitalHumanitites

Last updated 2 years ago

Carlos · @carloslr
8 followers · 4 posts · Server

I have had the privilege of attending the December 2022 @camdighum School.
It’s been an intense and inspiring programme, full of insightful discussions with attendees from all over the world and hands-on workshops with leading experts.
Thank you to everyone who has made it happen.

#culturalheritage #data #DigitalHumanitites

Last updated 2 years ago

Carlos · @carloslr
8 followers · 4 posts · Server

I have had the privilege of attending the December 2022 @CamDigHum School.

It’s been an intense and inspiring programme, full of insightful discussions with attendees from all over the world and hands-on workshops with leading experts.

Thank you to everyone who has made it happen.

#culturalheritage #data #DigitalHumanitites

Last updated 2 years ago

Madhushree · @madhu_shrieks
42 followers · 60 posts · Server
Search engine of shadow libraries: books, papers, comics, magazines.


#piracy #archives #DigitalHumanitites

Last updated 2 years ago

Andreas Wagner · @anwagnerdreas
431 followers · 340 posts · Server

It seems some server issues of the last days call for a re-. Apologies for lost followings/posts!

I am Coordinator at Max Planck Institute for and ( in Frankfurt/M., supporting projects in all their digital needs: , , , , , - Jack of all trades, master of none.

Also, I am philosopher by training with a focus on legal, political and social philosophy and their histories. , , , . I study the development of in Spanish . I'm collaborator in both my "digital" and my "philosophical" roles to The School of Salamanca project ( of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz.

Tooting mostly about work, some politics and occasionally just funny things.

Find Pronouns and Orcid in my profile.
(I have the same handle on the birdsite.)

#introduction #DigitalHumanitites #legalhistory #legaltheory #DigitalEdition #nlp #GraphDatabases #DataModeling #lod #rse #DiscourseTheory #PostPhenomenology #deconstruction #EarlyModernity #socialtheory #Scholasticism

Last updated 2 years ago

Malte Urban · @greenmantle
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Hello bawb. As an , I am a medievalist working at . First came here in 2000, spent almost a decade away, but have been back ‘home’ since 2016.

I am interested in and anything

#literature #manuscriptstudies #DigitalHumanitites #sailing #music #guitar #aberystwythuniversity #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Andreas Wagner · @anwagnerdreas
430 followers · 338 posts · Server

On the other site, I tried to give a glimpse into what people do all day from time to time, under the hashtag . Will do the same here. Again, it's lots of planning, discussion and counseling, a bit of doing presentations and another bit of actual coding:

Today, there's a workshop coming up about a hosting software called , in which I'll do a bit about , an implementation of which I've been working on (, , ). Hopefully we'll finish in time for me to be able to watch some of the stuff at the conference.

So far, the week also had planning for a common DH initiative and for a Shared Task in DH ( - if you're into this, pls get in touch). There was a discussion about for historical administrative entities, and one about which server to choose for a project, some coding and tomorrow a discussion about methods.

#nlp #XQuery #sql #ontology #ReferenceExtraction #nodes2022 #elasticsearch #ExpressJS #nodejs #ReconciliationAPI #skohub #skos #dhfromscratch #DigitalHumanitites

Last updated 2 years ago

Henriette Roued · @henrietteroued
42 followers · 8 posts · Server

Is new scary or exciting? I'm not sure yet!
Let's begin with an intro and see.
I'm an associate professor of digital humanities at University of Copenhagen where I research and teach digital technology in the heritage field across archives, museums and libraries

#DigitalHumanitites #digitalheritage #openglam

Last updated 2 years ago

Andreas Wagner · @anwagnerdreas
430 followers · 338 posts · Server

I've moved instances so here's a re-:

I am Coordinator at Max Planck Institute for and (, supporting vastly different projects in all their digital needs: , , , , , etc. I am trying to at least have a rough overview of what's going on in all these fields.

Also, I am philosopher by training with a focus on legal, political and social philosophy and their histories. In particular, , , , . My pet peeve is the development of in Spanish . I'm collaborator in both my "digital" and my "philosophical" roles to The School of Salamanca project (

I'm a dad, husband and - when I find the time - am amateuring in and making (guitar-y) .

Pronouns are he/his. Orcid:
(I have the same handle on the birdsite.)

#music #Capoeira #Scholasticism #socialtheory #EarlyModernity #deconstruction #PostPhenomenology #DiscourseTheory #lod #DataModeling #GraphDatabases #nlp #DigitalEdition #legaltheory #legalhistory #DigitalHumanitites #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago