So far, so impressive! It looks like it worked very well, with a few - expected - issues like the e/o superscripts being misread and some uppercase letters, which look different between the two prints. Correcting these won't take much time. I'll check the remaining four pages and decide whether to improve the current model for this particular print or not afterward! #EthicaComplementoria #Transkribus #DigitalScholarlyEdition
#ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #DigitalScholarlyEdition
Selina Galka is presenting our paper on "Relation3: How to relate text describing relationships with structured encoding of the relationships?" at #teimec2023 - you can find the slides at and the abstrat at enjoy! #assertiveedition #memoires #TEIXML #tei #digitalscholarlyedition
#teimec2023 #assertiveedition #memoires #TEIXML #tei #DigitalScholarlyEdition
A blog post continuing my series of posts about the #EthicaComplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition project on the #GeorgGreflinger weblog:
Today about #HTR #Transkribus and re-using models.
#ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #georggreflinger #htr #Transkribus
📖 Do you work with #rarebooks & want to learn #digitization (#digitalscholarlyedition & #xml)?
Or are you in the #DigitalHumanities & need to learn about #bookhistory & how pre-modern books work?
Check out our self-study video class:
Please share widely!
#rarebooks #digitization #DigitalScholarlyEdition #xml #DigitalHumanities #bookhistory
#DH2023 Elena Spadini and JL Palenzuela on #DigitalScholarlyEdition|s #API|s provide a great survey over editions using generic and specific APIs.
Elena is making a point about "what to re-use" in terms of what endpoints to offer. I have the feeling that (standardized?) specific endpoints - e.g. a "/persons" endpoint - would be or are in fact being reused more frequently than a powerful but much more generic SPARQL endpoint.
I wonder if there is any survey or reuse study about how the various (types of) endpoints are actually being taken up and reused...
#DH2023 #DigitalScholarlyEdition #API
#Day10 concludes my summer research leave. I wrote the final blog post on my private website this time, summing up my experiences from the last ten days and the last ten years with a personal story and a statement of commitment to a project which has become a part of me: #EthicaComplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #AltAc #Academe #Ethics
#day10 #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalHumanities #altac #academe #ethics
#Day7 finishing with a blog post in minor key about my views on the value of collaboration and communication and the printed study edition of the 1643 #EthicaComplementoria print at Harrassowitz Verlag: #BookHistory #DigitalScholarlyEdition #Academe #Demotivation
#day7 #ethicacomplementoria #bookhistory #DigitalScholarlyEdition #academe #demotivation
#Day6 research leave: Concluding today with a blog post about my continuing struggles with poorly managed data and transcriptions of all kinds of stuff, among other things, a satirical adaptation of the #EthicaComplementoria, the so-called #Löfflerey-Kunst from 1648 and 1656. Enjoy: #ResearchDataManagement #DigitalScholarlyEdition #BookHistory #histodons
#day6 #ethicacomplementoria #lofflerey #researchdatamanagement #DigitalScholarlyEdition #bookhistory #histodons
🧵 3/ #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO It's a slow day; might be due to the examinations, where teaching researchers are occupied w/ grading and guiding students. It's also hot here in Oslo, and many avoid coming to the office if they can work better at home or the cabin.
In the meantime, I am preparing my upcoming #ResearchLeave. My main focus is on drafting the #DataPaper for the #EdvardMunch #Correspondence #Metadata we created from the #DigitalScholarlyEdition
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #researchleave #dataPaper #edvardmunch #Correspondence #metadata #DigitalScholarlyEdition
It''s been a (too) long time:! I got funding to work on my #EthicaComplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition project in the summer and will update the weblog alongside.
#ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition
Good news on a Friday! My application for a small research project got accepted. I will hire an assistant to work on my #DigitalScholarlyEdition of the Danish translation of the #EthicaComplementoria from 1678 & its German source. We will use #Transkribus for automated text recognition, hoping to improve the multilingual #HTR model from the Norwegian National Library #NorFraktur. We're then preparing the data for a bilingual, parallel edition, published w/ in #DiamondOpenAccess
#DigitalScholarlyEdition #ethicacomplementoria #Transkribus #htr #norfraktur #diamondopenaccess
Hei hei! It's Wednesday again, and I am back at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History doing #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO! Today, I am working on tuning #Transkribus layout detection for a C17th German print of the #EthicaComplementoria. This will be part of my bilingual #DigitalScholarlyEdition of this book and its #Danish translation. For the Danish print, I will reuse and improve the #NorFraktur model from the National Library of Norway. Looking forward!!
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #Transkribus #ethicacomplementoria #DigitalScholarlyEdition #danish #norfraktur
@dmaus @type bezieht sich hier auf Server-Uptime. Beide Dienste waren - zumindest im Fall von GAMS durch nicht vom Betreiber verantwortbare Infrastrukturausfälle - längere Zeit nicht verfügbar. Hier wäre "failsafe" eine besser gegen Cyberangriffe abgesicherte Infrastruktur. Im Fall des Abschaltens von HTR+ haben wir das Problem des Vendor-lock-in, das bei closed-source Software gerne mal vorkommt. "minimal edition" im Sinne von Martin Holmes (project-endings) geht davon aus, daß die Editionswebseite mit nichts anderem als HTML-Renderer+JavaScript-Engine (=Browser) lesbar sind. Welche Komponenten von "minimal editing" habt ihr noch beizusteuern? #minimalediting #digitalscholarlyediting #digitalscholarlyedition
#minimalediting #digitalscholarlyediting #DigitalScholarlyEdition
The #DigitalScholarlyEdition review Journal of the IDE RIDE has published a new issue: focussing on FAIR principles in #digitalediting Enjoy the RIDE! #digitalhumanities
#DigitalScholarlyEdition #DigitalEditing #digitalhumanities
New project in beta at : Early Medieval Glosses And The Question Of Their Genesis: A Case Study On The Vienna Bede by Bernhard Bauer ( via #gams #digitalscholarlyedition #celtic #glosses
#gams #DigitalScholarlyEdition #celtic #glosses
Hi #DigitalHumanities people, great to be here!
A short introduction: with my #dh colleagues at #TELOTA at the #BBAW we are developing and hosting Digital Scholarly Editions. Our tool #ediarum is open source and is adaptable for other #DigitalScholarlyEdition s.
Our Website:
Glad to read about your experiences!
#DigitalHumanities #dh #TELOTA #BBAW #ediarum #DigitalScholarlyEdition
Kia ora, I'm Philip from New Zealand.
My main interest at present is #EarlyModern English heraldic writer John Guillim. I'm actively researching his life and surviving writings, with a view to writing a biography and digital scholarly edition.
For a long time my interests have spanned both STEM and the humanities, and I have followed various paths into and out of academia to allow me to pursue both (current degree count: 2 bachelors, 2 masters, 1 doctorate). My current paradigm involves a day job as a web developer, with free time spent as an independent scholar. Perhaps inevitably this combination has led to the #DigitalHumanities, where I am interested in #TEI and developing a better interface to a #DigitalScholarlyEdition.
At the moment I'm doing a lot of #paleography and sharing the highs and lows of transcription, a smattering of #BookHistory, as well as commenting on #heraldry and #ceremonial in general.
#ceremonial #heraldry #bookhistory #paleography #DigitalScholarlyEdition #tei #digitalhumanities #earlymodern #introduction