Pitfalls of #DigitalScholarship Machiavelli and Matching
…are the pitfalls of badly labelled data. Without at least a minimum of quality assessment and control of the source data, we just end up with nonsense. #gigo
Digital Scholarship Spezialist*in, Teilzeit oder Vollzeit (90% oder 100%), Universitätsbibliothek Bern | Bewerbungsfrist: 25.07.2023 https://ohws.prospective.ch/public/v1/jobs/d8106139-dc10-42b6-bc31-79efeb152fc1 | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/90925/ #openbibliojobs #DigitalScholarship
#openbibliojobs #DigitalScholarship
RT @CreateCaribbean
VCL builds on existing work in #Caribbean digital literary studies, including In the Same Boats, Caribbean Literary Heritage and the 2020 effort of The Caribbean Digital VII to create a database of Caribbean #digitalscholarship.
Visit - https://createcaribbean.org/vcl/
#caribbean #DigitalScholarship #createcaribbean
Digital Scholarship Librarian, unbefristet in Vollzeit University of Chicago Library | Bewerbungsfrist: 02.03.2023 https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/about/thelibrary/employment/librarian-opportunities/digital_scholar/ | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/85759 #openbibliojobs #DigitalScholarship #DigitalHumanities #Digitalisierung #digital
#openbibliojobs #DigitalScholarship #digitalhumanities #digitalisierung #digital
Associate University Librarian for Digital Strategy and Services, unbefristet in Vollzeit University of Chicago Library | Bewerbungsfrist: 25.02.2023 https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/about/thelibrary/employment/librarian-opportunities/aul_digi_strat_serv/ | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/85367 #openbibliojobs #Bibliothekssysteme #DigitalScholarship #DigitalHumanities #openresearch #researchdata #Strategie #digital
#openbibliojobs #Bibliothekssysteme #DigitalScholarship #digitalhumanities #openresearch #researchdata #strategie #digital
Digital Scholarship Days @unioslo is on! 🙌🏻 @arockenberger is teaching a fantastic @pandoc workshop on sustainable authorship in plain text - with some errors and some successes on my part when I try to both help and follow 😬 #ResearchSkills #DigitalSkills #DigitalScholarship #Markdown #OpenSource
#opensource #markdown #DigitalScholarship #digitalskills #researchskills
RT @amarois@twitter.com
👌MàJ #Zotero 6.0.15 : divisez le lecteur PDF, horizontalement ou verticalement ("Added split view in PDF reader") !
#lectnum #reading #productivity #DH #tools #numérique #digitalscholarship
#zotero #lectnum #reading #productivity #dh #tools #numérique #DigitalScholarship
Scholarship and Data Services Librarian, unbefristet in Vollzeit University of Chicago, D’Angelo Law Library | Bewerbungsfrist: 29.09.2022 https://www.lib.uchicago.edu/about/thelibrary/employment/librarian-opportunities/scholar_data_lib/ | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/80032 #openbibliojobs #DigitalScholarship #Forschungsdaten #Repositorien #OpenAccess
#openaccess #repositorien #forschungsdaten #DigitalScholarship #openbibliojobs