'Beyond the Screen' - our department's annual PGR conference takes place next Thursday 20th July, and features keynotes from David Beer and Jennifer Chubb.
Programme and links to book in-person or follow the live stream: https://www.york.ac.uk/sociology/about/department/2023/beyond-the-screen/ #sociology #digitalsociety #AI #digitalculture
#sociology #DigitalSociety #ai #digitalculture
We are proud to announce that @theoaraujo has been appointed Professor of #Media, Organizations and Society! #Congratulations 🎉 He focuses on the interplay between media and organizations against the backdrop of societal issues and developments in the #digitalsociety 👏 https://www.uva.nl/en/shared-content/faculteiten/en/faculteit-der-maatschappij-en-gedragswetenschappen/news/2023/07/theo-araujo-appointed-professor-of-media-organisations-and-society.html?origin=PDQcb5%2BfSuSJvUewdsszdA&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fmg-news
#media #congratulations #DigitalSociety
'new mediating institutions, such as citizens’ assemblies, that encourage and enable civil discourse and consensus formation at the same virtual scale as social networks, are more necessary than ever because the forces of fragmentation have never been greater.'
#Infopocalypse #PublicSphere #DigitalSociety #CommonGround
#mustread #infopocalypse #publicsphere #DigitalSociety #commonground
@noagendashowvideo @adam @NoBeret @Johncdvorak
My theory about the current state of #ukraine is related to the words of #kissinger: #Israel is over, they will never settle there, too much troubles. So they will move to Ukraine, with top quality soils and water.
And it makes sense #blackrock buying all the land available and repossessing the old #kazarian territory, setting the #digitalSociety and pushing local people to Poland. They are making the new #zion!
#ukraine #kissinger #israel #blackrock #kazarian #DigitalSociety #zion #zionism
RT @katavarblane
Found this, so true :) #digitalcountry #digitalsociety #estonia
#digitalcountry #DigitalSociety #estonia
RT @katavarblane: Found this, so true :) #digitalcountry #digitalsociety #estonia
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/kajakallas/status/1621181328174600194
#digitalcountry #DigitalSociety #Estonia
RT @APC_News
"The start of every new year is time for reflection on the one that’s gone and for anticipation of the one to come."
Our columnist @DSouter_ictDA reflects on digital governance 👇
RT @IrmaMosqueraV: Next week join us #inclusive #digitalsociety in the framework of the anniversary of the #EU - #ASEAN Partnership co-organized by @globtaxgov @ERIAorg and @AsiaLeiden Registration (free) https://leidenasiacentre.nl/event/seminar-asia-europe-cooperation-on-inclusive-digital-societies/
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinthePH/status/1598821003731562496
#inclusive #DigitalSociety #EU #ASEAN
Podiumsdiskussion zur #Zukunft der #Demokratie in der #DigitalSociety. Demokratie der Wettstreit der Ideen. Im Diskurs die besten Lösungen, die von allen getragen werden, zu finden.
#DigitalSociety #demokratie #zukunft
On Monday we concluded my NWO Vidi project CoreSAEP with the symposium ‘Being human in the #DigitalSociety: on technology, norms and us’, and the successful PhD defence of Dr. Ilir Kola on Enabling Social Situation Awareness in Support Agents. It was wonderful to be able to share and discuss the work with others. We haven’t had much opportunity to do so due to Covid-19 and other challenges. See link for a short report, including a 10min overview video of the project! https://intimate-computing.net/news/symposium-being-human-in-the-digital-society/ #AI
Hello all! Here is my #introduction for the new instance #AkademieNL! I’m a computer scientist at #UTwente, working at the intersection of logic-based #AI, human-computer interaction #HCI, and #philosophy/#ethics.
We develop models and methods for creating intimate technologies that can take into account personal norms, values and #vulnerabilities, towards a caring and inspiring #DigitalSociety. Inspired by smart #textiles, #wearables, #art, #dance, embodiment. Experiencing #disability.
#disability #dance #art #wearables #textiles #DigitalSociety #vulnerabilities #philosophy #HCI #ai #utwente #AkademieNL #introduction
#NGI4EU welcomes NGI Zero Entrust, working toward #Innovative technologies through free and #OpenSource # software to restore #EU sovereignty of the #digitalsociety. https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/ngi-zero-entrust/
@NgiZero #DigitalDecade #OpenStandards #DigitalEU #SMEs #Tech
#NGI4eu #innovative #OpenSource #EU #DigitalSociety #DigitalDecade #openstandards #DigitalEU #SMEs #tech
RT @denys_mlg: On the way to Brussels. Top-notch initiative, Eva! Looking forward to following up on #VivaTech conversations with @ericschmidt, @Kasparov63 and participants around important cyber stakes. #digitalsociety
RT @GabrielMariya: Last night after #12hTrilogue we reached historic agreement 4 #EECC #EU paves way for €500bl #investment to boost #Telecom & #DigitalSociety w/ +predictable rules 4 #coinvestment & promoting #risksharing in deployment of #5G & promoting sustainable competition benefiting all 1/2
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/delcastillop/status/1536956508663054336
#12hTrilogue #EECC #EU #investment #telecom #DigitalSociety #coinvestment #risksharing #5G
RT @APC_News
The internet and the media.
This is the focus of this week's piece on the #DigitalSociety, by @DSouter_ictDA: