4 out of 5 Europeans believe that Digital Technologies are growing more important daily, according to a recently released Eurobarometer survey.
Read more about the survey π https://bit.ly/3NKvIAu
#DigitalTechnologies #DigitalTransformations #EUOpenData https://t.co/Zw3MGYTxFh
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_opendata/status/1675081854771408897
#DigitalTechnologies #DigitalTransformations #EUopendata
πͺπΊπ»The European Union has narrowed the gap with the United States in adopting advanced #DigitalTechnologies (EU 69% vs. US 71%).
Find out about the state of digitalisation in the EU, its progress, challenges and future opportunities hereπhttps://bit.ly/EUDR23pr
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/EIB/status/1661684412411441154
#DigitalTechnologies #DigitalEU
πWith the rise of #DigitalTechnologies, @EU_OSHA Flash Eurobarometer survey provides crucial insights on the post-pandemic workplace and the #mental and #PhysicalHealth risks workers face.
πExplore the survey results summarised in 29 country reports: https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/summary-osh-pulse-occupational-safety-and-health-post-pandemic-workplaces?pk_campaign=sm_
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_OSHA/status/1641423833214197760
#DigitalTechnologies #mental #physicalhealth
National briefing by @P_Fiala, Prime Minister of #CzechReupublic, following today's #EuroSummit and #EuropeanCouncil in #Brussels.
"We see a great potential in the #digitaltechnologies and we are working on limitations that keep us from their use."
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCouncilTVNews/status/1639258095020027904
#CzechReupublic #EuroSummit #EuropeanCouncil #Brussels #DigitalTechnologies
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-03-digital-technologies-future-city-environments.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-03-digital-technologies-future-city-environments.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1631305296579633153#m
#Digitaltechnologies to better predict future city environments may be key tool in sustainable urban design @naturesustai https://www.nature.com/articles/s41893-022-00923-7 https://phys.org/news/2023-03-digital-technologies-future-city-environments.html
Europe recently launched the @EuCanImage to use #data and #digitaltechnologies and support the enhancement of personalized #cancer treatments.
Curious to know more about the initiative? Read it in our news piece π https://europa.eu/!XTdKGN
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_opendata/status/1630870545817546753
#data #DigitalTechnologies #cancer #cancerimaging #EUopendata
βHow our language #skills can affect our web experience?
The Digitally Excluded challenge puts you in the shoes ππ πof those who have unequal capacities to learn using #digitaltechnologies
Take the challenge nowπ https://digitallyexcluded.org/
@ITCILO @tomwambeke
π¦π: https://n.respublicae.eu/etfeuropa/status/1618629761848471552
#skills #DigitalTechnologies #Skills4Change
Davies's central issue: the role of the digital in academia, the centrality of the digital in knowledge production and what it is doing to our shared academic lives
#sts #epistemology #DigitalTechnologies #digital #academia
Live tooting from Sarah Davies's inaugural lecture at #UniVienna
"Knowing through Digital Practices: Or, How to be an Academic"
About her body of work & what this means for academia. How one should be an academic.
#STS #Digital #Epistemology #Knowledge #LiveToots #Academia #DigitalTechnologies @academicchatter
#UniVienna #sts #digital #epistemology #knowledge #livetoots #academia #DigitalTechnologies
Have been feeling inspired after doing some work assembling communities that I'm really interested in - thought I'd do a tag dump for some of the areas that I'm looking into, as well as have already found super interesting, have been following and am boosting... (not in alphabetical order and probably too broad but for my own future reference also!)
#Tag heap:
#Abolition #ACAB #ADHD #Affect #AffectStudies #AntiImperialism #AntiColonialism #AntiRacism #Archiving #Archives #Art #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Boardgames #ClimateChange #Coffee #Commons #CriticalTheory #CinemaStudies #Communities #CulturalStudies #Decolonisation #Design #Disabled #DigitalCommons #DigitalCulture #DigitalCultures #DigitalHumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #Diversity #EDI #EnglishLiterature #Feminism #Feministsts #FilmStudies #FreeSoftware #Games #Gaming #Geopolitics #Geography #Hauntology #HCI #HumanComputerInteraction
#HigherEd #HigherEducation #History #Histodians #Incarceration #Inclusion #InfrastructureStudies #InternetStudies #London #LowTech #Media #MediaStudies #Museum #Museums #Musicals #OpenPedagogy #ParticipatoryDesign #Pedagogy #PoliceAbolition #Philosophy #Photography #Praxis #Prisons #PrisonAbolition #Preservation #Progressive #Politics #Postmodernism #PublicEducation
#Running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #SocialInclusion #SocialMobility #SocialTheory #Socialism #SocialJustice #Sociology #Sociodon #Sociodons #Solidarity #SoftwareStudies #SoundScapes #Skeuomorphism #SpeculativeFiction #STS #Technology #Trans #UK #VanLife #VideoGames #University #Zines
Also I suppose really this is a second #Introduction after the #TwitterMigration as I'm still relatively #NewHere so... Hi again! Feel free to follow or boost if this sounds like your areas of interest also
#tag #Abolition #acab #adhd #affect #AffectStudies #antiimperialism #anticolonialism #antiracism #Archiving #archives #Art #blacklivesmatter #blm #boardgames #ClimateChange #coffee #commons #criticaltheory #cinemastudies #communities #culturalstudies #decolonisation #design #disabled #digitalcommons #digitalculture #DigitalCultures #digitalhumanities #DigitalTechnologies #DigiModernism #diversity #edi #englishliterature #feminism #FeministSTS #filmstudies #freesoftware #games #gaming #geopolitics #geography #hauntology #hci #HumanComputerInteraction #highered #highereducation #history #histodians #incarceration #inclusion #infrastructurestudies #internetstudies #london #lowtech #media #mediastudies #museum #museums #musicals #openpedagogy #participatorydesign #pedagogy #policeabolition #philosophy #photography #praxis #prisons #prisonabolition #preservation #progressive #politics #postmodernism #publiceducation #running #ScienceAndTechnologyStudies #socialinclusion #socialmobility #socialtheory #socialism #socialjustice #sociology #sociodon #sociodons #solidarity #softwarestudies #soundscapes #Skeuomorphism #speculativefiction #sts #technology #trans #uk #vanlife #videogames #university #zines #Introduction #twittermigration #newhere
#introduction RPTEL is the journal of the Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education. It is an #openaccess multidisciplinary refereed #journal devoted to disseminating rigorous research on all aspects of technology to enhance learning. #digitaltechnologies #learning #teaching #education #research #aied #openeducationalresources #oer #socialscience #stem #steam #mobilelearning
homepage: https://rptel.apsce.net/index.php/RPTEL
#Introduction #openaccess #journal #DigitalTechnologies #learning #teaching #Education #research #aied #openeducationalresources #oer #socialscience #stem #steam #mobilelearning
From 2023-2025, we will raise awareness on how to use #DigitalTechnologies safely & productively across all sectors. We will gather stakeholders to collaborate on a digital transformation of work that puts people first. Michael Gillen, @EU_OSHA Management Board at #EUOSHAsummit
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EU_OSHA/status/1592484331205058560
#DigitalTechnologies #EUOSHAsummit
Do you have experience working in the #digitalhealth field? Are you passionate about digital health and how #digitaltechnologies can transform health systems & services?
@WHO Europe are looking for a Project Officer based in #Kazakhstanπ°πΏ to join the Data and Digital Health Unit.
Apply now π
Closing on 21 November:
#DigitalHealth #DigitalTechnologies #kazakhstan
Looks like a very useful report on how to rethink #DigitalTechnologies for a deep sustainability transition. https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/items/7ec6e179-6ef9-40b8-9d6c-c1419fea21e7
Many are waiting for tomorrow's package of new energy β‘οΈ crisis measures...., but we will also present the #DigitalEnergy Action Plan.
It will be one of the ποΈ initiatives to accelerate the implementation of #digitaltechnologies in the #energysystem. Stay tuned!
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/Energy4Europe/status/1581954279979462656
#DigitalEnergy #DigitalTechnologies #energysystem #DigitalEU
RT @EuropeanJesuit@twitter.com
For #session2, we are delighted to hear from @PaulNemitz@twitter.com, @paolobenanti@twitter.com and Janina Jugo on the topic of βOpportunities & Risks of #DigitalTechnologies in search for #Truth & #Disinformationβ
π¦π: https://twitter.com/EuropeanJesuit/status/1571121502887772161
#session2 #DigitalTechnologies #truth #disinformation
RT @LithuaniaUNNY: π±πΉ&πͺπΊcandidate to the @ITU Deputy Secretary-General post @tlamanauskas met with the newly appointed @UNTechEnvoy @gioasempre &discussed work on the #GlobalDigitalCompact,also the importance of bringing the power of #DigitalTechnologies to all
#LeaveNoOneOffline #LeaveNoOneBehind
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUatUN/status/1567924882339516418
#GlobalDigitalCompact #DigitalTechnologies #LeaveNoOneOffline #leavenoonebehind
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/digital-technologies-and-their-increased-role-what-does-the-future-hold
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://hackernoon.com/digital-technologies-and-their-increased-role-what-does-the-future-hold
Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1567860337570971651#m
"Digital Technologies And Their Increased Role - What Does The Future Hold?" https://hackernoon.com/digital-technologies-and-their-increased-role-what-does-the-future-hold #digitaltransformation #digitaltechnologies
#digitaltransformation #DigitalTechnologies
π£#EURegionsWeek registrations open today!
ποΈ11/10 4:30PM CET workshop β‘οΈ#Data driven #Cities - #DigitalTechnologies for inclusive and #sustainable decision-making.
With @UrbanageH2020 @URBANITEH2020 @living_eu @tecnalia @21cData
#DigitalTwins #AI
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/ConnectCitiesEU/status/1564884447073374210
#EURegionsWeek #data #cities #DigitalTechnologies #sustainable #DigitalTwins #AI
How do #DigitalTechnologies enable deep-tech innovations? Here are 17 examples of the convergence of digital technologies and medicine, biotechnology, agriculture, energy, manufacturing, mobility, education and logistics: https://europa.eu/!46d3Bq
π¦π: https://nitter.eu/EUPublications/status/1562696320783388672