Ordered a small item for Christmas from #Dillards. Got hit with three spam messages in 24 hours, after I explicitly did not opt in. Takes 10 days to unsubscribe.
This is the sort of dark pattern, CAN-SPAM-violating nonsense that makes people hate marketers. Do better.
Corps that sponsored anti-abortion politicians in Louisiana (E-Z):
Johnson & Johnson (#JandJ)
corps with >5000 employees in an anti-abortion state (ak al ga ky la mo ms nd oh) (A-D):
#HCAHealthcare #halliburton #HealthCarePartners #honeywell #Humana #jandj #LasVegasSands #marathon #microsoft #OccidentalPetroleum #pfizer #Phillips66 #southwestairlines #unitedhealth #verizon #walmart #WellCareHealthPlans #AlamoRentACar #anheuserbusch #Arbys #chickfila #cox #delta #Dillards
Hashtags of the more notable corps in that list: #Aflac #AlamoRentACar #AnheuserBusch #Arbys #CenturyLink #ChickFilA #CocaCola #Cox #Delta #Dillards #EnterpriseRentACar #Equifax #Hallmark #HomeDepot #Lexmark #Monsanto #NCR #OReillyAuto #PaneraBread #PapaJohns #Porsche #Purina #SARALeeBakery #SunTrust #TexasRoadhouse #Toyota #TysonFoods #UPS #Walmart #YumBrands
#aflac #AlamoRentACar #anheuserbusch #arbys #centurylink #chickfila #cocacola #cox #delta #Dillards #EnterpriseRentACar #equifax #hallmark #homedepot #lexmark #monsanto #ncr #OReillyAuto #panerabread #papajohns #porsche #purina #SARALeeBakery #Suntrust #TexasRoadhouse #toyota #tysonfoods #ups #walmart #yumbrands