I vote we induct #Diogenes as an honorary subgenius
(if not a Subgenius Saint)
Dogenés ze Psinópé (asi 413–asi 322 př. n. l.) byl stalabrořecký filopsof, labradikální psastánce granulkynismu.
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #diogenes
#matylda #labrador #labradosti #joybrador #labradorretriever #labradors #brownlabrador #blacklabrador #labradorlove #lovelabrador #labdogs #doglovers #labrador_lovers #labradortime #labradores #blackbrador #Diogenes
The ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes would masturbate in public. His defence ‘If only it were as easy to banish hunger by rubbing my belly’ became so tiresome that his fellow inmates eventually castrated him with a brick.
#AncientGreece #antiquity #history #philosophy #Diogenes #masturbation
#ancientgreece #antiquity #history #philosophy #Diogenes #masturbation
Dear Friends of the Substitute,🫶
As we might know there is no substitute for less need💭🕳️
So what do we need?🤔
Air (preferably breathable)🫢🧑🏿🚀
Water, drinkable💧
Food, nutritional🧅🫛🫙
Warmth or cooling❤️🔥⛲️
And yet,
Even basics do not exist for many🙀
… my voluntary simplicity lifestyle is complicated. Maybe I should live in a barrel like #Diogenes or a forest like #Buddha or just where I am?🫸🤛
#26FestivalMálaga. #Diógenes es un retrato lírico sobre el aprendizaje vital desde la perplejidad infantil a través de dos niños que viven aislados en los Andes junto a su padre hasta que éste muere.
Crítica de @danielfarriol:
(Aside: It makes me wonder how many smart-ass Greek quotes were attributed to #Diogenes.)
Who else has to show interest in luxury items, or paint them, while they despise them? *hand up*
99% of the time I'm in pajamas in the winter. They keep me more comfortable and warm than other clothes. I only buy clothes when I have to go to Europe, or my mom would scream that I'm not presentable-enough to show me off to society there (everyone knows everybody else).
The philosopher that I identify the most is #Diogenes the #Cynic.
#mastoart #catsofmastodon #fashion #illustration #Watercolor
#Diogenes #cynic #MastoArt #catsofmastodon #fashion #illustration #watercolor
Mijn extreem getalenteerde vriendin Inger Kuin is volgende week even in Nederland omdat ze een boek heeft geschreven over #Diogenes, en ik mag woensdag op haar presentatie in Amsterdam ook iets vertellen over belichaamde #filosofie (bijvoorbeeld of het voor de houdbaarheid uitmaakt of je een filosoof in een ton of in een pot bewaart). Het wordt een leuk gesprek! Komt allen! https://spui25.nl/programma/diogenes-en-het-cynische-denken
Es wäre untertrieben, zu sagen, #RuthBinde hätte den Aufbau des #Diogenes-Verlages unterstützt. Ich frage mich wirklich, was Daniel Keel wohl ohne sie gemacht hätte. Wie er es ihr vergolten hat, ist einfach nur schäbig. Glücklicherweise gibt es andere Menschen, die es zu würdigen wussten. Über das interessante Leben der Ruth Binde, deren Leben der Literatur galt, schrieb Alexander Sury in diesem Buch: https://frauenlesen.blogspot.com/2019/07/alexander-sury-ruth-binde-ein-leben-fur.html
#ruthbinde #Diogenes #buchtipp #bucherfrau #bucheruberbucher #bucherliebe
I have a degree in #philosophy from the University of Kansas, and I have always had a strange sense of humor. Not much of a shit poster, but I do love a good Diogenes meme -
Image is a painting of Diogenes interrupting Plato's lecture. Plato says, "A turtle is a circular shape with an outer covering and a soft inside." Diogenes tosses a donut onto the floor shouting "Behold, a turtle!"
#plato #Diogenes #memes #philosophy
That being said, I tend to be a bit of a Cynic like #Diogenes of Sinope (though not quite to the extreme of living in a wine barrel amongst wild dogs). Yet I have a deep distrust of people. Then again I'm traumatized so what the hell do I know.
Having just carried all my books to a loft apartment I am playing with atelier living.
Law by day, literature by night. Northern England.
Am writing a philosophy book about Wise Fools: #Socrates #Diogenes, Jesus, #SaintSymeon, #Shakespeare #Cervantes, #Rabelais, #Swift, #Nietzsche, #Dostoevsky, #EdwardLear, #OscarWilde, #KarlKraus, #Wittgenstein #LeonoraCarrington, #StevieSmith, #Borat
#introduction #socrates #Diogenes #SaintSymeon #shakespeare #Cervantes #Rabelais #Swift #nietzsche #dostoevsky #EdwardLear #oscarwilde #KarlKraus #wittgenstein #LeonoraCarrington #StevieSmith #Borat
Martin Suter und Bastian Schweinsteiger: Einer von uns Reichen und Schönen https://www.literaturcafe.de/martin-suter-und-bastian-schweinsteiger-einer-von-uns-reichen-und-schoenen/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=martin-suter-und-bastian-schweinsteiger-einer-von-uns-reichen-und-schoenen #SebastianSchweinsteiger #BuchkritikenundTipps #Einervonuns #MartinSuter #Diogenes #Fußball
#SebastianSchweinsteiger #buchkritikenundtipps #Einervonuns #MartinSuter #Diogenes #fußball
Innerliches Feuer und erloschene Liebe: »Der Brand« von Daniela Krien https://www.literaturcafe.de/innerliches-feuer-und-erloschene-liebe-der-brand-von-daniela-krien/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=innerliches-feuer-und-erloschene-liebe-der-brand-von-daniela-krien #BuchkritikenundTipps #DiogenesVerlag #DanielaKrien #DerBrand #Diogenes
#buchkritikenundtipps #diogenesverlag #DanielaKrien #DerBrand #Diogenes
Podcast zum Nachlesen: »Alle sind so ernst geworden« von Martin Suter und Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre https://www.literaturcafe.de/podcast-zum-nachlesen-alle-sind-so-ernst-geworden-von-martin-suter-und-benjamin-von-stuckrad-barre/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=podcast-zum-nachlesen-alle-sind-so-ernst-geworden-von-martin-suter-und-benjamin-von-stuckrad-barre #BenjaminvonStuckrad-Barre #Allesindsoernstgeworden #BuchkritikenundTipps #DiogenesVerlag #MartinSuter #Diogenes #Podcast
#BenjaminvonStuckrad #Allesindsoernstgeworden #buchkritikenundtipps #diogenesverlag #MartinSuter #Diogenes #podcast