Without wishing to labour the point, allowing outbreaks of diphtheria at Manston, indeed anywhere, is a terrible idea for many reasons. At a humanitarian level it is grotesque of course, but it's also utterly self defeating. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/diphtheria-strain-nhs-manston-case-b2239731.html #epidemiology #diphtheria #disease #PublicHealth
#epidemiology #Diphtheria #disease #publichealth
...and they ignored it. Horrifying, cruel, self defeating and just plain grotesque. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/diphtheria-migrants-manston-home-office-b2236127.html #Manston #PublicHealth #Diphtheria
#Manston #publichealth #Diphtheria
Asylum seekers hospitalised with diphtheria as monthly infections rise by 50% after Manston centre death | The Independent
50 diphtheria cases have been reported in asylum seekers so far in 2022 - a significant increase on 2021
#asylumseekers #Diphtheria #manston