𝐒𝐚𝐜 𝐚 𝐝𝐨𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭 "𝐃𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐝𝐨" 🎒🦕🌿
#JeParsAlaventure #CommeLesGrands #MonSacDeGrand #SacAdos #SacAdosPersonnalise #SacAdosMaternelle #SacAdosMaternellePersonnalisé #SacAdosBebe #SacAdosCreche #SacAdosEnfantpersonnalisé #IdeeCadeau #CadeauEnfant #CadeauPersonnalise #CadeauEnfantPersonnalisé #Dinosaure #Diplodocus #FaitEnFrance #ArtisanatFrancais #ErnestineEtCie
#jeparsalaventure #commelesgrands #monsacdegrand #sacados #sacadospersonnalise #sacadosmaternelle #sacadosmaternellepersonnalise #sacadosbebe #sacadoscreche #sacadosenfantpersonnalise #ideecadeau #cadeauenfant #cadeaupersonnalise #cadeauenfantpersonnalise #dinosaure #Diplodocus #faitenfrance #artisanatfrancais #ernestineetcie
🦕 #videoscience : Et si les diplodocus avaient eu des plumes ?
Essayons de répondre à cette question avec le jeune Arlo, le petit #dinosaure de #disney 😉👇
#videoscience #dinosaure #disney #Diplodocus #plume #pixar
Dinosaurs have been my week.
Super fun diplodocus and plesiosaur cute dinosaur collection. 16 different dinosaurs!
Digital download available now! Perfect for t-shirt designs, stickers, tote bags and all your crafting fun!
Also at Creative Fabrica https://www.creativefabrica.com/designer/squeebcreative #dinosaurillustration #stickerdesign #dinosaurstickers #diplodocus #plesiosaur #dinosaurcartoon
#dinosaurillustration #stickerdesign #dinosaurstickers #Diplodocus #plesiosaur #dinosaurcartoon
Fabulous evening at the Herbert Art Gallery and #Museum in #Coventry for the opening night of #DippyInCoventry. Wonderful to see the place buzzing with visitors welcoming our iconic visitor to it's new home for the next 3 years. Hard to think of a better setting too 🦕🤩
#Dippy #Dinosaur #Diplodocus
#museum #coventry #dippyincoventry #dippy #dinosaur #Diplodocus
The #dinosaur tracks ( #Diplodocus , #Iguanodon , #Neovenator ) of Münchehagen, Germany (Bückeberg Formation).
#dinosaur #Diplodocus #Iguanodon #neovenator #paleontology #fossil #fossils #dinosaurtracks #dinosaurs
Wonderful! I like how you’ve used the light here and how you have evoked a sense of stillness - the image has the quality of a painting.
Here’s one of my photographs taken a few years ago. The same space, but a very different feel. There was a special exhibition and so lots of people were in this slow moving queue. I had no tripod, so I jammed the camera against the stonework and tried not to breathe.
#NaturalHistoryMuseum #Dinosaur #Diplodocus #LongExposure
#NaturalHistoryMuseum #dinosaur #Diplodocus #longexposure
A slightly late #FossilFriday and early #SauropodSaturday
A better look at the Nottingham Natural History Museum's 3D-printed skull of Dippy the Diplodocus.
The #NottNatHit museum was one several museums to receive a replica skull like this as part of the 'Real World Science' network. More about that here: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/about-us/national-impact/real-world-science.html
Note how, in addition to the bone, the replica includes the metal armature at the back of the skull.
#fossilfriday #SauropodSaturday #nottnathit #dinosaur #dippy #Diplodocus #3dprint
Diplodocus may have been one cool dinosaur—thanks to its skin https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/12/diplodocus-may-have-been-one-cool-dinosaur-thanks-to-its-skin/ #dinosaur #diplodocus
This weeks #fossilfriday #LegoFossil is #Diplodocus
First discovered in 1877, Diplodocus lived between 154-152 million years ago.
Its estimated to be up to 26 meters long making it one of the largest dinosaurs of its time
Due to wear patterns on its teeth its believed to feed using the strategy of unilateral branch stripping. This means that one row of teeth would strip the foliage while the second row would guide the food into its mouth.
Instructions here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYbI2gCRMmw
#fossilfriday #legofossil #Diplodocus
Great to read that London's #NaturalHistoryMuseum, having remounted its #Carnegie #Diplodocus in a side-hall, is now planning on mounting a cast of #Patagotitan (a giant titanosaur). I am properly excited about seeing this!
But could they possibly have found worse artwork to illustrate this story if they'd tried? It makes me weep to see this, when we have so many awesome palaeoartists on this very server.
#NaturalHistoryMuseum #carnegie #Diplodocus #patagotitan
#SauropodSaturday you say? Then have another 1930 Vernon Edwards #diorama scene. This is #Diplodocus.
#SauropodSaturday #diorama #Diplodocus
Sneak peek close up details of some cool current #WIP commissions #Diplodocus #Spinosaurus #Dinosaurs #paleoart #coverart
#wip #Diplodocus #spinosaurus #dinosaurs #paleoart #coverart