More than 300 cameras damaged or stolen in four months #London
Over four months, the Met received 339 reports of camera cables being damaged, or cameras being stolen or obscured.
The actual number of cameras affected is likely to be even higher as one report can represent multiple cameras.
Unofficial data mapping the location of disabled cameras suggests that almost 500 cameras could have been affected."
#Surveillance #UK #videoSurveillance #Sabotage #DirectAction
#london #surveillance #uk #videosurveillance #sabotage #DirectAction
@tigerdaz @Radical_EgoCom
You are probably thinking of Valve Corporation, for one example. They moved to a flat, non-hierarchical organization and it's been interesting to watch. Still a capitalist corporate entity though.
A syndicate is a self-organized group for conducting a particular business or production. It can be the Mob or Lloyd's of London insurers or a worker's collective.
#Syndicalism is kind of the more radical side of international trade unionism. #AnarchoSyndicalism takes the self-organizing principle farther as a replacement for capitalism rather than as a balancing factor, and philosophizes about the nature of property and industrialization.
Interest in the area seems to be skewing into #solarPunk territory which seems like a natural progression to me.
The #fediverse is a fine case study for how difficult and amazing decentralized and federated social institutions can be. Here we are, working out some of the necessary skills for #Transition communities, including the economics.
It's complicated stuff and still just nascent, but look at the crazy complexity of the laws in nation-states, civil powers, municipalities. We will improve on that by removing economic and moral compulsions.
#Syndicalism #anarchosyndicalism #solarpunk #Fediverse #transition #DirectAction #decentralization #liberation #IWW
Greece: Resistance message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation Th. Chatzianggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners
"Thanos Chatziangelou ….and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the furthest reaches of the earth
“See, how their indifference is killing us”
On a planet that increasingly resembles a slaughterhouse, there are people with steeled consciences, deeply buried in the concrete and iron of non-existence for their subversive intentions. People who have honoured their status, standing with respect and dedication in the passage of history. They confronted the lackeys of power face to face, not as spectators in the arena of the spectacle but as fighters. Sworn enemies of injustice and opponents of the status quo."
#Greece #ThanosChatziangelou #AnarchistPrisoners #woswap2023 #Antireport #DirectAction
#greece #thanoschatziangelou #anarchistprisoners #woswap2023 #antireport #DirectAction
ohhh and while they are at it get rid of putin too! democracy for all! #pussyRiot
#barbie #climate #climateCrisis #climateBreakdown #activism #directAction
#pussyriot #barbie #Climate #ClimateCrisis #climatebreakdown #activism #DirectAction
Switch off – Ein Aufruf zur Revolte
"Was wir im Kampf gegen die Zerstörung der Natur und das resultierende soziale Elend brauchen, ist das gemeinsame Streben nach dem tatsächlichen revolutionären Bruch und der Freiheit aller. Nach einer Initiative, die alle Kompromisse und kosmetischen Korrekturen des Staates zurückweist und eine Transformation unserer sozialen Beziehungen herbeiführt. Denn die Zerstörung des Planeten durch das neoliberale Wirtschaftssystem ist untrennbar verbunden mit patriarchalen Denkmustern, Rassismus und Kolonialismus. Die Initiative dazu muss notwendigerweise von unten kommen. Aus den Kämpfen der Ausgegrenzten. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die gegen das staatliche Rettungsversprechen ein selbstorganisiertes, solidarisches Miteinander setzen. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die sehen, dass es keine Kompromisse im Kampf gegen die systemische Zerstörung der Biosphäre geben kann..."
#CapitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #Sabotage #Climate #Antireport
#capitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #sabotage #climate #antireport
Switch off – Ein Aufruf zur Revolte
"Was wir im Kampf gegen die Zerstörung der Natur und das resultierende soziale Elend brauchen, ist das gemeinsame Streben nach dem tatsächlichen revolutionären Bruch und der Freiheit aller. Nach einer Initiative, die alle Kompromisse und kosmetischen Korrekturen des Staates zurückweist und eine Transformation unserer sozialen Beziehungen herbeiführt. Denn die Zerstörung des Planeten durch das neoliberale Wirtschaftssystem ist untrennbar verbunden mit patriarchalen Denkmustern, Rassismus und Kolonialismus. Die Initiative dazu muss notwendigerweise von unten kommen. Aus den Kämpfen der Ausgegrenzten. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die gegen das staatliche Rettungsversprechen ein selbstorganisiertes, solidarisches Miteinander setzen. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die sehen, dass es keine Kompromisse im Kampf gegen die systemische Zerstörung der Biosphäre geben kann..."
#CapitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #Sabotage #Climate #Antireport
#capitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #sabotage #climate #antireport
Switch off – Ein Aufruf zur Revolte
"Was wir im Kampf gegen die Zerstörung der Natur und das resultierende soziale Elend brauchen, ist das gemeinsame Streben nach dem tatsächlichen revolutionären Bruch und der Freiheit aller. Nach einer Initiative, die alle Kompromisse und kosmetischen Korrekturen des Staates zurückweist und eine Transformation unserer sozialen Beziehungen herbeiführt. Denn die Zerstörung des Planeten durch das neoliberale Wirtschaftssystem ist untrennbar verbunden mit patriarchalen Denkmustern, Rassismus und Kolonialismus. Die Initiative dazu muss notwendigerweise von unten kommen. Aus den Kämpfen der Ausgegrenzten. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die gegen das staatliche Rettungsversprechen ein selbstorganisiertes, solidarisches Miteinander setzen. Aus den Kämpfen derer, die sehen, dass es keine Kompromisse im Kampf gegen die systemische Zerstörung der Biosphäre geben kann..."
#CapitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #Sabotage #Climate #Antireport
#capitalismIsADeathCult #DirectAction #sabotage #climate #antireport
Von den Kosten der #Energiewende … und brennenden Ladesäulen
Switch-Off! The system of destruction!
"Die Erschließung neuer Rohstoffquellen, Minen und Fabriken zur Umsetzung der sogenannten Energiewende und der Umstellung auf den elektrifizierten Individualverkehr laufen auf Hochtouren: Giga-Fabriken, die das Grundwasser ausbeuten; neue Lithium-Minen in Portugal; Nickel und Gold von gestohlenem indigenem Land in Indonesien; die Erschließung von Vanadium-Vorkommen in Norwegen und Seltenen Erden auf Samí-Territorium in Schweden; Kobalt aus dem Kongo … der industrielle Abbau von #Kupfer, #Kobalt und #Nickel auf dem Meeresgrund; der Bezug von Wasserstoff von künstlichen Inseln in der #Nordsee oder über neokoloniale Importstrategien aus #Namibia und #Chile … die Kosten dieser Energiewende und des Weiter-so mit gutem Gewissen sind inzwischen allgemein bekannt. Der Wandel, hin zu einem grünen Kapitalismus, geht zwangsläufig mit einer Verschärfung der Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur einher!
Es gibt unendlich viele Ziele, Wege und Methoden um diesen Prozess anzugreifen, zu verzögern, zu sabotieren."
#energiewende #Kupfer #kobalt #nickel #nordsee #namibia #chile #sabotage #DirectAction #antireport
Thanks to @officialSMBE for making space for climate activism and to @SanjaHakala, @gaston and @AudreyBras for facilitating an engaging workshop yesterday.
It was great to be able to chat openly about #ClimateBreakdown and #DirectAction together with a room full of evolutionary biologists, geneticists and ecologists yesterday.
See you on the streets!
#SMBE23 #SMBE2023 #EcoEvo #ScienceMastodon @ScientistRebellion
#ScienceMastodon #ecoevo #smbe2023 #SMBE23 #DirectAction #climatebreakdown
@legumancer The author is also far too dismissive of the very core politics of #FreeSoftware, kind of dancing around the matter and prodding at its weakest elements from afar. In short, the assertion is as follows: it is _immoral_ to rob the user of the computer of their right to freely use, study, share, or improve the software running on it.
The assertion is very simple, and has radical implications. The foremost implication is the prescription that _all_ software should be Free Software, lest that software be immoral. In a world dominated by private capitalist actors abusing the power dynamics of non-free software, that is an _incredibly_ daring, adversarial, and liberating stance to take, provided you politically carry it through. Moral grandstanding is not enough.
Towards that end, the Free Software movement has a trick up its sleeve. Over the many years, we have collectively created, curated, and maintained the #DigitalCommons. Rejecting the unjust power dynamics of non-free software, we have simply created an alternative, and maintain it as a giant and diverse community. Consider this the #DirectAction of the movement. If the capitalist powers that be will not provide us freedom, then we will create it.
#freesoftware #digitalcommons #DirectAction
Oakland #Privacy
Fighting Against the #Surveillance #State
"We fight against spy drones, facial recognition, tracking equipment, police body camera secrecy, anti-transparency laws and requirements for “backdoors” to cellphones; we oppose “pre-crime” and “thought-crime,” — to list just a few invasions of our privacy by all levels of Government, and attempts to hide what government officials, employees and agencies are doing.
We draft and push for privacy legislation for City Councils, at the County level, and in Sacramento. We advocate in op-eds and in the streets. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and believe no one is illegal."
Via @indybay
#privacy #surveillance #state #DirectAction #antireport
Climáximo esteve na CNN, responsáveis pela crise climática perderam o seu golf, e toda a gente é convidada a repetir a proeza porque só ação direta pode romper com a normalidade.
#ClimateCrisis #DirectAction #news #EatTheRich
In just one week, I'll be in Ferrara, Italy, for #SMBE23, together with fellow @ScientistRebellion members. We will be hosting a series of workshops on #CivilResistance by scientists during the conference. If curious about what it is like to participate in #DirectAction, you are welcome to attend! Further details in the SMBE website or in the poster below.
All are welcome! After all, there will be no molecular or evolutionary #biology on a dead planet.
#evolution #ecoevo #ScienceMastodon #biology #DirectAction #CivilResistance #SMBE23
How to Disable a Robo-taxi:
Protesters develop novel way to build cone-sensus against driverless cars
"San Francisco’s Safe Street Rebel group are disabling autonomous taxis by placing a cone on the hood of the car.
A video of the group’s actions with step-by-step instructions on how to disable a robo-taxi with a cone has gone viral on #Twitter....."
#USA #Technology #sabotage #directaction #Antireport #protest
#twitter #usa #technology #sabotage #DirectAction #antireport #protest
How to Disable a Robo-taxi:
Protesters develop novel way to build cone-sensus against driverless cars
"San Francisco’s Safe Street Rebel group are disabling autonomous taxis by placing a cone on the hood of the car.
A video of the group’s actions with step-by-step instructions on how to disable a robo-taxi with a cone has gone viral on #Twitter....."
#USA #Technology #sabotage #directaction #Antireport #protest
#twitter #usa #technology #sabotage #DirectAction #antireport #protest
Infinity Garden Update 16 June 2023
Join me on Patreon and Redbubble to support my content and see more art, garden, music, Magick, etc you might have missed elsewhere. Links in bio↖️
#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #garden #directaction #capitalismkills #growfoodnotlawns #infinitygarden #growyourownfood #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #leftistprepper #preppingforthepeople #internationalproletarianrevolution #fasciststatesofamerica #holidaystrike #generalstrike #boycottamazon #witchesofinstagram #mutualaid #dualpower #noplanetb #resistanceisfertile
#FocusedonInfinity #LoganGrendel #garden #DirectAction #capitalismkills #growfoodnotlawns #InfinityGarden #growyourownfood #witchesagainstwhitesupremacy #linkinbio #leftist #abolition #solidarity #leftistprepper #preppingforthepeople #internationalproletarianrevolution #fasciststatesofamerica #holidaystrike #generalstrike #boycottamazon #witchesofinstagram #MutualAid #dualpower #noplanetb #resistanceisfertile
'Direct Action', by Émile Pouget
"Direct Action... means that the working class, in constant rebellion against the existing state of affairs, expects nothing from outside people, powers or forces, but rather creates its own conditions of struggle and looks to itself for its means of action."
#syndicalism #DirectAction #anarchosyndicalism #union #ClassStruggle
#Syndicalism #DirectAction #anarchosyndicalism #union #classstruggle
#SCOTUS is deciding whether or not to overturn #ICWA. This is a law that protects Indigenous children from being taken into the #FosterSystem and adopted out of their tribes. That's a form of #HumanTrafficking and #CulturalGenocide, and it was a regular occurrence before ICWA.
The US Supreme Court has already proven itself, in no uncertain terms, willing to go against public opinion. So while I wholeheartedly recommend you take all the actions suggested in other posts on this topic, including calling the Supreme Court phone number and stating your objection, we also need #DirectAction plans in place for if ICWA is overturned anyway.
For context, I myself am white, and nothing I say here should be taken as representative of Indigenous perspectives. We need to listen to Indigenous people first.
If you're planning #adoption and you're not Indigenous, don't adopt an Indigenous child. Make sure everyone you know understands why this is important, especially those who are planning on adopting. Human trafficking is a capitalist system and relies on a market; we have to be diligent about denying the creation of that market.
If someone you know who is not Indigenous adopts an Indigenous child anyway, the first thing you should do is contact the child's tribe. Tell them where the child is, who they're with, what name they're going by, and anything else the tribal officials ask. Hopefully the child can be properly reunited with their tribe.
For those who don't get reunited, we need to make sure child-friendly Indigenous education is publicly accessible and ubiquitous. Books by Indigenous authors need to be on the shelves of every library and in every classroom. Indigenous art needs to be created and presented in a culturally appropriate manner, and everyone needs to support that process however we can: materially, financially, with appropriate publicity, etc. What Indigenous people are saying about ICWA and other issues that directly impact their communities should take priority over what non-Indigenous people say, and we should boost it whenever we see it.
#scotus #ICWA #fostersystem #HumanTrafficking #culturalgenocide #DirectAction #Adoption
The solution to modern slavery and #injustice is not found in socialism, communism or any other -ism that just trades one ruler for another.
Neither is the solution to be found in organized religion and dogma that is put forth as unquestionable by the patriarchs. #fuckreligion
Nor do I think the solution is anarchism, which removes rulers but allows violent agitators a platform to achieve their ends, as I believe #nonviolence is the best course of action.
After much soul-searching, I believe the solution is radical #selfreliance and #selfsufficiency
This allows complete freedom and independence from the power structure.
Therefore, I believe the most beneficial #DirectAction to take is to constantly teach ourselves to become reliant only on our own wit and #wisdom and our own abilities.
We should be constantly sharpening and honing our survival ability, just as we would sharpen and hone a survival knife.
We should create the necessary conditions for our #survival as free individuals, just as we would create the conditions for survival of the plants and crops that would support us.
In this way, we will have true #freedom and #independence from the injustice imposed on us by those who want to keep us down.
#injustice #fuckreligion #nonviolence #selfreliance #selfsufficiency #DirectAction #wisdom #survival #freedom #independence
Activists Face Felonies for Distributing Flyers on “Cop City” Protester Killing
"The activists face 20 years in prison for handing out flyers that identified a cop they said was linked to the killing of a protester in the Atlanta forest."
#prison #Repression #StopCopCity #Atlanta #directaction #usa
#prison #repression #StopCopCity #atlanta #DirectAction #usa