Now on Hackernoon...
"DisCO adds seven additional principles to the original seven cooperative principles in order to reunite cooperativism with its commons origins and better prepare it for technological futures."
#feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty
#valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements
RT @discocoop
DisCOs can address the present Covid and looming future crises by creating bottom-up resilience and restoring our relationships - both to one another and the planet.
Read more:
#DisCOElements #Commons #P2P #distributedcoop #valuesovereignty
#DisCOElements #commons #p2p #distributedcoop #valuesovereignty
DisCOs can address the present Covid and looming future crises by creating bottom-up resilience and restoring our relationships - both to one another and the planet.
Read more:
#DisCOElements #Commons #P2P #distributedcoop #valuesovereignty
#valuesovereignty #distributedcoop #p2p #commons #DisCOElements
Feminist Economics is one of the core principles on which DisCOs are based. Our economy should recognise the value of care and unpaid work. We need to view vulnerability as a fact of life.
#DisCOElements #feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements
Care before code: It's what makes DIsCOs different.
Care work is time-work: it’s both material and immaterial at the same time (it’s magic, it’s physics... it’s Feminist Economics!). Read more:
#DisCOElements #feministeconomics #carework
#carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements
#DisCOElements #feministeconomics #carework #valuesovereignty #radicaltech #opencoop #platformcoop #commons #dlt #distributedledger #blockchain #DAO #decentralized #distributed #P2P #distributedcoop #cyberpunk #radicaldemocracy #CAT #communityalgorithmictrust
#communityalgorithmictrust #cat #radicaldemocracy #cyberpunk #distributedcoop #p2p #distributed #decentralized #dao #blockchain #distributedledger #dlt #commons #platformcoop #opencoop #radicaltech #valuesovereignty #carework #feministeconomics #DisCOElements