Episode 17: Rekindling Yoga’s Power of Liberation
Liberation has been forgotten in the modern yoga movement, especially modern postural yoga, from which today's yoga studios, yoga teacher trainings, and yoga organizations have arisen. And yet, if we put the liber
#PodcastEpisodes #DisabilityLiberation #liberation #MadLiberation #NeurodivergenceLiberation #RacialLiberation #YogaAndLiberation #YogaMeansUnion
#PodcastEpisodes #DisabilityLiberation #liberation #MadLiberation #NeurodivergenceLiberation #RacialLiberation #YogaAndLiberation #YogaMeansUnion
The Coin is in !!
Happy and a bit proud.
It's a huge asset to the "mobility-chalenged" people.
Big thx to @ZacksJerryRig
and check out the YT-channel https://www.youtube.com/@JerryRigEverything
That turned out to be a quite expensive donation:
Donation: € 15,95
Postage (US-Nl) € 17,95
Import tax € 10,44
What a waste and footprint ! Next time I'll donate without a keepsake.