We also have Ko-fi, which we recently reset and updated after reaching the previous goal, but all pics and receipts are still up for anyone to see. ✨
Here's the entry we just wrote: https://ko-fi.com/post/Wednesday-June-21st-Update-Y8Y2MHV9I
We only have 3 HOURS! 😭🙏🏻✨
Tysm for the $20 on there, can anyone match this?
#EmergencyCrowdFund #MutualAidRequest #Kofi #Help #Donate #Urgent #ComradeCrowdFund #INeedRentRelief #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #CatsAreFamily
#emergencycrowdfund #MutualAidRequest #kofi #help #donate #urgent #comradecrowdfund #ineedrentrelief #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #catsarefamily
Have just been informed from the front office that the owners need an $800 payment TODAY, so I Really don't want to exist atm...
Our balance here is $1770 as of today‼️😰
Can anyone help?? 😭
Ca: $octopuslaws8
Pp: octopuslaws@gmail.com
Literally every $1 helps, please, we should be in our last month and a half of this nonsense, we just need to survive until then! 🙏🏻✨
#EmergencyCrowdFund #Eviction #EvictionRisk #DisabledFamily #Inn #Debt #Unhoused #Homeless #MutualAis #Crowdfunding #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #Crisis #Shelter
#emergencycrowdfund #eviction #evictionrisk #DisabledFamily #inn #debt #unhoused #homeless #mutualais #crowdfunding #cats #catsofmastodon #crisis #shelter
We have to pay $600 for shelter TOMORROW, we have $0, and idk when our last donation was. 😰
I'm failing my family AGAIN.
The more this happens, the less I feel like I deserve to be part of the picture anymore, but they need me, even if I mess up more than I fix. 😓
#Depressed #Depression #Vent #Scared #Unhoused #UnhousedWithCats #LongCovid #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #Trans #Nonbinary #Spoonies
#depressed #depression #vent #scared #unhoused #UnhousedWithCats #LongCovid #DisabledFamily #QueerCouple #trans #nonbinary #spoonies
As of this moment my family's debt here at the inn is $1240 and we're $325 from what we need of that TODAY 😰
Really struggling to get this taken care of, even though friends & strangers have been very generous with us 😤
Crowdfunding on the bird app is Not going well, and hasn't been for a while. 😭
#MutualAid #Crowdfunding #SurvivalFund #Shelter #Debt #Unhoused #Homelessness #Poverty #DisabledFamily #Queer #Cats #Kitties #Furbabies
#MutualAid #crowdfunding #SurvivalFund #shelter #debt #unhoused #homelessness #poverty #DisabledFamily #queer #cats #kitties #furbabies