@timrichards Feedback on train-travel with wheelchair using son-in-law in UK:
Local trains in NW Preston to Windemere AMAZING. Wchair markings on platform to show where to wait. Space for wchair in carriage. Guard on-hand every station to help with a ramp. 10/10
Local train London to Brighton and London to Stansted Airport: none of the above. Just had to run with wchair and get on where we could.
Luggage racks on UK trains WAY too small to fold up his chair so we had to leave it open and he sat in it in door space. He is able to step onto train with us helping. If hed been fully wchair user, he wouldve had terrible trouble.
#ausrail #RailJourney #accessibility #DisabledNotDisposable
#ausrail #RailJourney #accessibility #DisabledNotDisposable
The stairs I've been trying to build are absolutely not working, so I'm going to need to get a scaffold to get up to the roof top, through the hatch hole I've made, to make the roof repairs. The scaffold is going to cost about $200.
As I'm disabled as is my husband, who'll likely be getting cataract surgery soon, I am doing this on my own, hence the need for more tools and equipment.
#DisabledNotDisposable #MutualAid #homerepair
So I've learned incandescent light bulbs are going to be banned soon, meanwhile halogen bulbs will pretty surely explode in my house, LEDs worsen my spouse's cataracts and fluorescents make me sick.
So now within my home repairs I've basically got to redo & start lighting design setups that'll mostly rely upon oil lamps as my only other "safe" option, is to buy about 1,000 lightbulbs before they're banned and deal with rewiring my home for them later....
But this is supposed to be about "safety" and "environmental protection" right????
#disability #environmentalism #DisabledNotDisposable
"Yes, our lives are a little bit harder – they're not worth less."
Bean and Aleem take to the streets with @CBCEdmonton #PushCBC #Push_CBC #DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2175381571957
#pushcbc #push_cbc #DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter
@khthoniaa @Crazypedia *Nods* I'm Jewish and have been nearly starved as a result of a combination of the antijewish and ableist bigotry I've faced in the US poverty aide systems, beyond other injuries, so the rather constant drumbeat that is against any and all forms of religions being practiced, while lip service only is given to disability accessibility needs - as accomodations are only "given" if they're also needed by lead organizers, has been among the biggest reasons why I've walked away from most leftists... especially organizers.
It isn't that I truly disagree with them on many issues & if anything I'm generally far more radical than they are in changes I want that are on their same concept lines, but the biases and bigotry that they have are often too much to get passed in continued alliance &/or friendships.
#DisabledNotDisposable #judaism #kosher #leftist
As a woman living a full and healthy life with #TARSyndrome, this is very alarming! I wouldn’t be alive today if there weren’t an incredible team of doctors willing to do the work and fight for me to live!! #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable
RT @globeandmail
MAID eligibility should expand to minors, patients with mental illness, parliamentary report recommends https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-maid-eligibilit…
#tarsyndrome #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable
Sharing this again for my disabled friend, who's a disabled mother, in need of help to pay medical debts, taxes and other bills, on the home left to her, by the abusive relative that she provided hospice care to. #DisabledNotDisposable #MutualAid @mutualaid
She needs to get these things paid, as otherwise she will become homeless.
#DisabledNotDisposable #MutualAid
@selfagency Oh & for anyone who thinks they "serve" in terms of serving vulnerable people like disabled. Disabled are the top/most killed & mamed minority group, so they only serve us (disabled people) up into early graves. #ACAD #DisabledNotDisposable
I know this woman from the birdie site and as in part this friend has helped me in the past, I'm hoping this will extend her reach to get this help that she needs. She needs this, so that she can at least try to see Drs again for her chronic conditions.
#MutualAid #DisabledNotDisposable
Today is #HolocaustMemorialDay
I will be thinking of the first and often overlooked victims of the Holocaust…people with disabilities. #WeRemember #OperationLegacy #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-murder-of-people-with-disabilities
#holocaustmemorialday #weremember #OperationLegacy #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable
RT @CAPDisability@twitter.com
New year, same global pandemic...
✅Keep testing
✅Keep masking
✅Keep fighting for disabled people in public health policies
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CAPDisability/status/1610675006739996675
RT @amethystbeeble@twitter.com
Disgusting. #disablednotdisposable #CostOfLivingCrisis #ToriesCostLives
Disabled boy loses overnight NHS care because parents cannot afford heating https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jan/04/disabled-boy-loses-overnight-nhs-care-because-parents-cannot-afford-heating?CMP=share_btn_tw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/amethystbeeble/status/1610620605467860992
#toriescostlives #Costoflivingcrisis #DisabledNotDisposable
RT @sparklykitten@twitter.com
This is absolutely despicable and I'm livid. Is this your 'compassionate conservatism' @Conservatives@twitter.com? You have ZERO empathy or understanding of the challenges real people are facing and you disgust me to my core 😡 #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #DisabledNotDisposable https://twitter.com/BlokeOnWheels/status/1604101536551997441
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sparklykitten/status/1604111373398642689
#torycostofgreedcrisis #DisabledNotDisposable
Thank you @BonitaZarrillo! #CareCantWait #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable #CdnPoli #AidNotMaid
RT @BonitaZarrillo
Emergency financial relief is needed for persons with disabilities now. I call on the govt. to do that work. Why won’t the liberals get people the support they need. #endpoverty #derb
#CareCantWait #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledNotDisposable #cdnpoli #aidnotmaid #endpoverty #Derb
#CareCantWait #CripTheVote #DisabledNotDisposable #CdnPoli #DisabledLivesMatter #CanadianDisabilityBenefit #CDBby23 #PassC22In2022
RT @The280Times
URGENT URGENT to anyone who see's this message.
Please communicate your desire to see the CDB 3rd reading before Christmas to @markhollandlib, @Kevin_Lamoureux and @MarkGerretsen
#ODSP #CDBby23 #CanadaDisabilityBenefit #C22 #AISH #SAID #BCPWD
#CareCantWait #cripthevote #DisabledNotDisposable #cdnpoli #DisabledLivesMatter #CanadianDisabilityBenefit #cdbby23 #passc22in2022 #odsp #CanadaDisabilityBenefit #c22 #aish #said #BCPWD
I strongly disagree. Disabled people want access to adequate health care and support to live with dignity. #DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter
RT @TheAgenda
"The public wants this. They want access to MAiD for irremediable illness, whether it's mental of physical." — @picardonhealth, at 11pm with @DrDerryckSmith, Dr. Ramona Coelho (@VulnerablC7), Dr. Madeline Li (@UHN), @Psych_MD & @spaikin | Producer: @wodekszemberg #cdnpoli
#DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter #cdnpoli
On #WorldAIDSDay I’m joining
@UNAIDS to call on world leaders to #Equalize to end AIDS. This includes providing adequate sexual and reproductive health services for women with disabilities. #NoTimeToWait #DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter #DisabledWomenMatter
#worldaidsday #equalize #notimetowait #DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter #disabledwomenmatter
#DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter
RT @DisabledOntari1
This will be my final post. I cannot go on living this way. #maid is the only help offered Im on #odsp and I was just approved for #maid for the 2nd time and I am following through with it I wish all of you the best and truly hope change comes for #odsp. I cannot wait that long.
#DisabledNotDisposable #DisabledLivesMatter #maid #odsp
RT @amethystbeeble@twitter.com
#CostOfLivingCrisis #disablednotdisposable
Avoid high energy bills by turning off electricity? Tell that to a disabled person on a ventilator | Frances Ryan https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/29/high-energy-bills-electricity-disabled-person-ventilator-die?CMP=share_btn_tw
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/amethystbeeble/status/1597519688913006593
#DisabledNotDisposable #Costoflivingcrisis
Probably time I did an #introduction here. I do most of my shitposting as @Cmdrmoto@tech.lgbt and @Cmdrmoto@neurodifferent.me - here on mastodon.social I have a username mostly to make it easier on my friends who are still finding their way around the fediverse for the first time
#introduction #nonbinary #actuallyautistic #DisabledNotDisposable