#fbi #corrupt #DEFUNDTHEFBI #DisbandTheFBI
More proof the FBI is corrupt beyond reform.
More proof the FBI is corrupt beyond reform.
More proof the FBI is corrupt beyond reform. #disbandthefbi #nomorefbi
The #FBI no longer functions as designed. #defundtheFBI #disbandtheFBI #corruption
#fbi #DEFUNDTHEFBI #DisbandTheFBI #corruption
This is utterly outragous. #arrestChrisWray #disbandtheFBI
#DisbandTheFBI #arrestChrisWray
The FBI has to be cleaned out.
At their CORE, FBI Agents are Cowards & Bullies, hiding behind badges & rifles. These pieces of shit shoved guns in the faces of innocent children, arresting their dad for Political Wrong Think. These Chekisti Thugs are too fucking cowardly to even speak to the timid house wife whose family they just intimidated with guns, while arresting a husband and father at gun point, as a Political Prisoner.
Anyone serving in this Agency is a fucking DISGRACE to Law Enforcement, and a Coward & Bully.
There is no such thing as a good FBI Agent.
If you serve this agency & you havent resigned, you are no different then the Chekisti thugs shown in this video.
You are the Enemy of America.
America literally has two obvious systems of justice now: One for the protected deep state and one for the rest of us. #twotieredjusticesystem #disbandtheFBI
#DisbandTheFBI #twotieredjusticesystem
Our founders literally rebelled against a tyrannical government that confiscated property and livelihoods from its people.
#DisbandTheFBI #civilforfeitureislegalizedtheft #tyranny
Our founders literally rebelled against a tyrannical government that confiscated property and livelihoods from its people.
#DisbandTheFBI #civilforfeitureislegalizedtheft #tyranny
Our founders literally rebelled against a tyrannical government that confiscated property and livelihoods from its people.
#DisbandTheFBI #civilforfeitureislegalizedtheft #tyranny
This rogue agency needs to be disbanded, period, and allow all federal law enforcement to be handled by the U.S. Marshal's Service #DisbandTheFBI #FBIisRogue
Nothing the FBI says or 'concludes' can be believed. #DisbandTheFBI #FBIFalseFlags