J'ai passé 2-3 petits bouts de soirée avec un copain sur #DiscoElysium, c'est honnêtement l'expérience de jeu la + étrange que j'ai eue et je joue aux JV depuis 25/30 piges. Entre ne rien piger au début, voir s'accumuler des dialogues hyper chelous et hyper drôle, ce flic complètement wtf, et les moments très "woke" (genre avec le fauteuil roulant, jsuis... Jsais pas, mais j'aime! Moi qui voulait sortir de ma zone de confort, jdois dire que j'ai des résultats satisfaisants 😆
Bongwater-yhtyeen eeposta Folk Song kuunnellessa tulee mieleen, että jos #DiscoElysium olis biisi, ni mikä se ois?
Tässä ehdokkaassa vuodelta 1990 olis ainakin kuolemaa, anarkisti, mulkkuja molemmissa merkityksissä, hallusinogeeneistä irrottautumista, uskontoja ja elämänkatsomustietoa, purevaa ivaa, suuseksiä, röykkiö retroviittauksia ja muutenkin enemmän käänteitä kuin luulis yhteen teokseen mahtuvan. Myös känninen baarissalaulu mainittu.
#pelit #musadontti #musiikki #DiscoElysium
Vengo a recordar que el humble #bundle choice de este mes tiene joyas como el #discoElysium y el #road96 :
Ein Freund hat mir "#DiscoElysium" geschenkt. Ein #OpenWorld-#Detektiv-#RPG in einer dystopischen Zukunft. Ich weiß noch nicht, ob es das Richtige für mich ist. Wer kennt es?
#DiscoElysium #openworld #detektiv #rpg
Mais... Je cours pour que le jeu aille un peu plus vite, parce que les déplacements sont quand même bien lents, et ça m'ouvre une option de dialogue ?!
I just finished playing #DiscoElysium and I already want to try playing it again with other stats! I feel like there's a lot more to do. How did they write a game so well??
Oh of course he did a video on #DiscoElysium, calling it "the *other* most philosophical game ever made"
August 6, 2023 - Day 218 - RePlay Review
Total RePlays: 6
Game: Disco Elysium - The Final Cut
Platform: Steam
Release Date: Oct 16, 2019
Library Date: Nov 9, 2021
Playtime: 1h12m (Total: 3h)
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut is an upgraded version of the original Disco Elysium, a detective RPG. It's one of those games that seemingly everyone raves about. Reviews all give it a 9 or 10 out of 10.
It's the first game in the August Humble Choice bundle, and a curious choice for a AAA game, as most people who would be interested in it would already own it.
I've tried to get into it twice previously, and it just didn't click for me. I'd racked up 108 minutes of playtime, and just sat there in my library, taking up space.
The necessity to review it meant starting over again, and turns out to be third-time lucky. This time it clicked. Not sure what the difference is, but I "get" it now.
It's a largely text-driven affair, and I now understand that the dice-role checks are taken from tabletop RPGs, which makes a little more sense of what's going on.
You play a cop who wakes up drunk and with amnesia in a wrecked apartment. You, the as-yet nameless cop are in a pretty bad way, and your mission is to find out who murdered the man hanging in the tree behind the hotel where you woke up, and who you are.
It seems like you're not a very nice guy.
I paid more attention to the dialogue choices this time around, and nobody (including yourself) respects you, and as it turns out, you're on the verge of resigning.
Thank goodness for autosaves, because I've twice triggered an unintentional resignation from the police force, and ended the game unexpectedly.
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut is:
4: Good
#DiscoElysium #ThirdPerson #RPG #Detective #MastodonGaming #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #RePlay
#DiscoElysium #thirdperson #rpg #detective #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #replay
gettin back to communists and cryptids in #DiscoElysium twitch.tv/professionalslacker7
gonna stream some more #DiscoElysium doing my electrochemistry build. sorry kim... twitch.tv/professionalslacker7
Feels like the kinda Friday to re-listen to the Disco Elysium soundtrack. Comboing the morning version of the cafe music with coffee irl make me feel a certain way.
Gonna solve some mysteries. But first, coffee.
#music #nowlistening #DiscoElysium
How the "Last Living Soviet Video Game Developers" Recruited #ChapoTrapHouse for #DiscoElysium
'Disco Elysium' Was Too Afraid of Sincerity to Be Revolutionary
Disco Elysium and #Copaganda (does some needlessly u.s.-centric contextualizing)
Disco Elysium: Femininity of Gameplay, Masculinity of Character
#PeopleMakeGames Investigation: Who’s Telling the Truth about Disco Elysium? (fucking 2.5 hours long, about the corporate fallout)
#chapotraphouse #DiscoElysium #copaganda #PeopleMakeGames
Jsem se konečně zabrala do hraní Disco Elysium - měla jsem v tom za dva roky, co to mám, jen všehovšudy asi dvě hodiny, a teď nemůžu přestat. Ta hra je de facto jen výborně namluvená a ozvučená textovka, ale ten příběh a side questy a world building je tam naprosto dokonalej. Ani vlastně neumím popsat o čem to je, aniž bych zněla jako magor, to se musí hrát a prožívat 😄
Estou jogando Disco Elysium e é um jogo muito diferente. Foco total na estória. Que inclusive tem sua própria historia, geografia e complexidades de uma sociedade parecida mas não exatamente igual à nossa. Está se tornando um dos meus jogos favoritos dos últimos tempos #game #DiscoElysium
@immersfer Joo, Itselläkin vielä kesken ja odottelen välillä innolla/kauhulla, mitä kaikkea tulee vastaan.