@CraftComputing is right:
#Documentation is key and @Raspberry_Pi basically owns every "competitor" because #Discord is not a valid excuse or replacement for writing actual documentatation because it has inacceptable ToS & is #loginwalled aka. not searchable.
I'd rather make a #StackOverflow account and post a noob question than ever use discord!
#stackoverflow #loginwalled #Discord #Documentation
@IsaacOstlund as long as they don't make a #Patreon-Subscription based #paywall to a shitty #Discord... ^^
Hey! Don't forget that my first weekly #Taoism & #Meditation session will start this Sunday at 11 AM central time. I'll be posting the recordings on YouTube later in the week. It will happen on @thetaoistonline #Discord #community. You can join using the link below if you want to attend. It's #FREE!
#taoism #meditation #Discord #community #free
@raphaelmorgan @faithisleaping
OFC we should have BOTH!
Sadly I don't get to do BOTH, but being forced to make text - which I'd have to do even if I only wanted to make a video - #fact!
I don't get the time and resources to make a video!
What we have to agree on as an #InvoncenientTruth is that #loginwalling info - espechally on #Discord - should get people banned from any software development - period!
#Discord #loginwalling #invoncenienttruth #fact
@blag @feditips I would recommend using #Friendica or #Matrix . Matrix also allows bridges to #discord and #Slack
#Slack #Discord #Matrix #Friendica
@enigmatico TBH, I hate the #Enshittification that gets us shitty #WebApps with #DarkPattern|s and horrible #UX like #Discord and #MicrosoftTeams.
IMHO there's no valid excluse not to have a easy-to-use, free and publicly accessible #API like #Zulip, #ntfy or even #Oshi has.
Everything else is just #AntiAccessibility by design and should be outlawed!
#antiaccessibility #oshi #ntfy #zulip #api #MicrosoftTeams #Discord #ux #DarkPattern #WebApps #enshittification
@nailsthatglow @R001my That's exactly the intent: A #ChillingEffect!
Tho for me as a kid it would make them unnecessarily cooler - espechally since #Discord is just utter garbage!
Hey, venez parler #astronomie (mais pas que) en rejoignant le #Discord d' @ASoundMR
➡️ https://discord.gg/RCNFDDW9TX
#astronomie #Discord #Astrodon #aspacemr
@aetios +9001%
#Discord is inexcuseably bad!
Warum bekommen es #PlayStation / #Sony und #Xbox / #Microsoft nicht hin, dass die Audio von #Discord im Stream zu hören ist, wenn man direkt über die Konsole streamt auf #Twitch?
Es ist zum verzweifeln.
Ohne das ist #DiscordVoice fast nutzlos für mich auf den Konsolen. No joke.
#playstation #Sony #Xbox #microsoft #Discord #twitch #discordvoice
@nanners @dis TBH, Using #Discord this way is closer to it's original goal:
Being a replacement for #TeamSpeak and an idiot-proof SaaS alternative to #Mumble.
On top of that, it's not used as a critical development tool...
@christiansilvermooon @basisbit EXACTLY!
Using #Discord should disqualify someone from doing #tech like proudly using an unencrypted #WindowsXP installation on a #Laptop in 2023 as daily driver!
#Laptop #windowsxp #Tech #Discord
@SnowDerg @christiansilvermooon since #Discord can't be used via @torproject / #Tor nor can it be #SelfHosted sinve it's a shitty #SaaS solution, it's incapable of being so, unless you think #Loginwalling qualifies for that....
#loginwalling #saas #selfhosted #Tor #Discord
@christiansilvermooon +9001%
#Discord is one of the WORST TOOLS EVER since it's #bloated like #Windows, unsearchable like #Slack, full of illegal tracking shit like #MicrosoftTeams and doesn't add any value compared to #IRC or #Zulip + #Mumble or #JitsiMeet.
Espechally if people abuse it for things that it was never good in, like #IssueTracking, #Support, #Documentation etc.
Everyone who even suggests using Discord for that is an ableist asshole who loves #LoginWalls and should be banned!
#loginwalls #Documentation #support #issuetracking #JitsiMeet #mumble #zulip #IRC #MicrosoftTeams #Slack #Windows #bloated #Discord
@dashdsrdash also #Zulip has an actually working #Search and allows organizing stuff - unlike #Slack or #Discord.
It further integrates with #JitsiMeet (and even #BigBlueButton) so if one needs a #voicechat / #videochat or #presentation done, it just works.
#presentation #videochat #voicechat #BigBlueButton #JitsiMeet #Discord #Slack #search #zulip
@epsi +9001%
#Discord also has unacceptable #ToS and is purposefully designed with neither #searchability, #indexability or #accessibility in mind.
Replacing #IssueTracker, #Support and/or (effectively non-existing) #Documentation with a shitty Discord instance is just blatant assholeism and everyone who does even consider doing so in lieu of #GitHub, #GitLab or god forbid even #Savannah and #SpurceForce should be banned from #FLOSS #Project and #CommunityManagment!
#CommunityManagment #Project #FLOSS #spurceforce #savannah #GitLab #GitHub #Documentation #support #IssueTracker #Accessibility #indexability #searchability #tos #Discord
@partridge espechally since #GittHub has #GithubPages integrated free of charge and they could've simply gotten yt-dlp.github.io...
Using #Discord is IMHO a disqualifier just like using #GoogleDrive, #MEGA or #Office365...
It's just sus and bad!
#office365 #mega #googledrive #Discord #githubpages #gitthub
Ever wondered how objects are passed through the #powershell #pipeline from function to function? I have posted this on #discord a couple days ago, and think it explains the passthrough pretty well.
#powershell #pipeline #Discord #posh #pwsh #programming #shell #scripting