haresh · @hiphipharesh
1 followers · 12 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Well who’s idea is it to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ( ) from higher education when the former Republican President George Sr passed the landmark law Americans with Disabilities Act ( ) of 1990?

Oh yea, who graduated from top tier universities such as and who claims to have passed the ! America, this is what gets you!

With all the education, training and accreditation he’s got the gall to suppress voices in , ban the Critical Race Theory ( ) because he thinks teaching and is morally , has a against + folxs and ’s health care decisions treating a broad spectrum of population as ?

All of these issues are that didn’t need action! All of these issues has to do with history, education and personal choices that he is personally because he claims to be a upholding draconian principles on Floridians and soon on America!

There are far greater issues that has on its hands and quite frankly Florida is NOT representative of the country! With all the said, I rest my case that is a choice of a all around. It’s time to this to the Southern Baptist Church where they’ll happily take his .


#dumb #outlaw #dei #ada #dummy #rondesantis #harvard #yale #floridabar #toptiereducation #black #history #crt #intolerance #woke #vendetta #lgbtqia #women #secondclasscitizens #nonissues #discriminatory #offended #romancatholic #southernbaptistchurch #america #whole #rondesatan #Terrible #politician #Dismiss #clown #credo

Last updated 1 year ago