@ellenor2000 YUP :(
The way Amazon and the like categorize us. We're independent contractors.
Any effort to collectively bargain, set prices, etc. can and I'm sure would, be seen as price fixing, which violates anti trust law.
That's why SFWA in the #disneymustpay thing, could only publicly shame and help those affected but couldn't call for a strike or sue on behalf of them, etc.
#notalawyer, so my interpretation might be a bit off, but that's the jist as I understand it.
@witewulf The way Amazon and the like categorize us. We're independent contractors.
Any effort to collectively bargain, set prices, etc. can and I'm sure would, be seen as price fixing.
That's why SFWA in the #disneymustpay thing, could only publicly shame and help those affected, but couldn't call for a strike or sue on behalf of the those affected, etc.
#notalawyer so my interpretation might be a bit off, but that's the jist as I understand it.
@k8em0 Has anyone checked how much Disney has contributed to his campaign or supportive PACs?
I'm guessing his definition of cybercrime includes "shared a Disney Plus password without paying".
A corporation getting what it asked for.
Disney wanted me to define the same password for DisneyPlus and Hulu. They wanted it so much, they locked me out of Hulu on my living room game console.
I've now logged in through web and set a new password.
And since I was forced to login on the web, I cancelled my Hulu subscription.
Thanks, Disney!
LOL, I was hoping they'd learn something from public backlash, but who was I kidding? They really are going through with this shit I guess?
Right before the holidays, timed with a price hike, & on the heels of a mostly-disastrous half-ass try at gender representation in their programming, they suddenly care about gender, but only for this.
Fuckin unbelievable, #Disney really is the worst. Oh and you really should support #DisneyMustPay
RT @neilhimself@twitter.com
Read this LA Times article, and share it, please: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-05-11/disney-star-wars-writers-of-royalties
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/neilhimself/status/1524455471754665984
RT @doctorow
The #DisneyMustPay task force (@neilhimself, @tessgerritsen, @TVLeeG, @MaryRobinette, @ChuckWendig) note Disney continues to reissue works by unpaid authors, insisting they aren't owed a penny, nor the courtesy of an accounting or even notice when their work is reissued. 17/
RT @sfwa
#DisneyMustPay all writers what they’re owed. Read the Task Force's new open letter to Disney. https://twitter.com/AuthorsGuild/status/1519693435179053058
Seriously! #DisneyMustPay
RT @davaja
@Bruno_Redondo_F Even better: Stop crediting, start paying, haha.
Dear @Disney:
I have been a Star Wars and Marvel fan for decades. But this is rapidly becoming a thing I can no longer support with my money.
Fix this. Now. Stop the bullshit. Pay authors. Honor the contracts.
RT @sfwa
#DisneyMustPay by notifying creators when their media tie-in work is reprinted, and paying them owed royalties. Go the Distance, Disney – honor your obligations to the creators whose work you valued enough to make part o…
RT @Alien8n@twitter.com
#DisneyMustPay, Reese’s Writers Retreat, and Disability Representation in Children’s Books: This Week in Book News https://kobowritinglife.com/2021/04/30/disneymustpay-reeses-writers-retreat-and-disability-representation-in-childrens-books-this-week-in-book-news/ #publishingindustry #literaryroundup #PublishingNews #literaryprizes #publishingnews #literarynews #booknews #KWL
#DisneyMustPay #publishingindustry #literaryroundup #publishingnews #literaryprizes #literarynews #booknews #KWL
RT @PublishersWkly@twitter.com
Writers Orgs Form #DisneyMustPay Joint Task Force http://pw-ne.ws/fbe85
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PublishersWkly/status/1387783815968575496
RT @sfwa@twitter.com
The Wall Street Journal covers #DisneyMustPay and the royalties that authors like Alan Dean Foster, James Kahn, and Donald Glut are owed for their novelizations of franchises that Disney now owns. https://www.wsj.com/articles/star-wars-novelists-seek-years-of-missing-royalty-payments-from-disney-11608393600 #writerbeware #DearMickey
#DisneyMustPay #writerbeware #DearMickey
RT @katsudonburi@twitter.com
Pssst if you’re excited about all the cool new Star Wars stuff, let’s keep up the reminders that #DisneyMustPay Alan Dean Foster. Because it’s the right thing to do—and because making sure creatives get paid is a great way to make sure you keep getting new things!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/katsudonburi/status/1337501711951269889
RT @MaryRobinette@twitter.com
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay royalties to #AlanDeanFoster.
@WaltDisneyCo@twitter.com argue that they acquired the rights but not the obligations to his novels.
If a publisher can break a contract by selling it to a sibling company, this could affect every writer.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MaryRobinette/status/1329175924659589126
#DearMickey #DisneyMustPay #AlanDeanFoster
So Disney has decided they don't have to pay Alan Dean Foster (and who knows how many other authors?) royalties he's owed by contract for books he wrote. This can't be allowed to stand. It sets an awful precedent.
Disney trying to cheat author Alan Dean Foster out of his royalties #DisneyMustPay https://www.sfwa.org/2020/11/18/disney-must-pay/
Disney refuses to pay Alan Dean Foster royalties for Star Wars, Alien, other novels