Well everyone, its a new year. Time for a fresh new start, and what better way to start off the new year then with some T.O.T.S. fan artwork by the ever talented Omatic
Here we have Lucy from the season 2 episode Hug A Pip (my favorite episode) where it looks like she has woken up in her crib and is being changed by her parents.
#T.O.T.S. #Diaper #Vagina #Baby #Snow_Leopard #Disney_Junior #Cub #Lucy_The_Snow_Leopard #Babyfur #Butt #Change #Diaper_Change
#t #diaper #vagina #baby #snow_leopard #Disney_Junior #cub #lucy_the_snow_leopard #babyfur #butt #change #Diaper_Change
Here are two cute drawings I did involving the T.O.T.S. polar bear cubs Peggy and her baby brother Paul. I gotta say, I had a lot of fun drawing them, especially Paul where I got to draw him a little thicker than most I've drawn since the bear cubs on the show are much bigger than most of the other babies on the show.
#Peggy #Paul #Peggy_Polar_Bear #Paul_Polar_Bear #Diaper #Diapered #Cub #Cubfur #Baby #Babyfur #T.O.T.S. #Disney #Junior #Disney_Junior
#peggy #paul #Peggy_Polar_Bear #Paul_Polar_Bear #diaper #diapered #cub #cubfur #baby #babyfur #t #disney #junior #Disney_Junior
Adorable pictures of the tiger cubs from The Lion Guard by
Here we have Feliks (Boy) Polina (Left) and Pasha (Right) all showing off their privates and bottoms in their own little cute way. Diapered versions as well
#Cub #Babyfur #Diaper #Diapers #The_Lion_Guard #Feliks #Polina #Pasha #Disney_Junior #Penis #Butt
#cub #feliks #polina #diapers #babyfur #diaper #The_Lion_Guard #Disney_Junior #butt #pasha #penis