Was passiert, wenn fast 1.000 Menschen aus mindestens dreizehn Ländern in einer Kleinstadt zusammenleben? @SebastianHuhn blickt für unseren #NGHM-Blog auf das größte Altersheim für #DisplacedPersons und #Refugees im niedersächsischen #Varel. Leseempfehlung!
#histodons #migrationregimes #socialwork
#socialwork #migrationregimes #histodons #Varel #refugees #DisplacedPersons #nghm
'... the core of #statelessnes , which is identical with the #refugee question, is simply not mentioned. Worse still, the number of potentially #StatelessPeople is continually on the increase... ' #HannahArendt saying #DisplacedPersons obfuscates the core design flaws in the #NationState . Reading the pages about #EasternEurope in the #Imperialism part of #OriginsOfTotalitarianism is fasicnating. Maybe the #MiddleEaster #refugees can introduce #Ukranians #Poles to #Confederalism of #ocalan
#ocalan #confederalism #poles #Ukranians #refugees #MiddleEaster #OriginsOfTotalitarianism #imperialism #easterneurope #nationstate #DisplacedPersons #hannaharendt #StatelessPeople #refugee #state