The reason for the change in #Florida is concerning, but the change, itself, is long overdue. Teaching excerpts of #Shakespeare, rather than the whole play, for cultutal #literacy and making room for more diverse texts is an improvement to #HighSchool English classes. #DisruptTexts #K12 #education
#Education #k12 #DisruptTexts #highschool #literacy #shakespeare #Florida Can't read the article because I won't become a subscriber to a publisher of lies like the one in this text. The dedicated educators who created #DisruptTexts don't ever call for abandoning all classic lit. They just ask us all to re-think why we require the reading that we do and whether our choices reflect the reality of the diverse world we live in and the just society our democracy promises.
#LiteratureClock might just become your new refresh button addiction. Check the time and be delighted with a to-the-minute #literature quote.
(Retooting fr @Si but adding some tags.) #DiscoverThis #teachers #DisruptTexts #AmWriting #homeschool #unschooling #edchat
#edchat #unschooling #homeschool #amwriting #DisruptTexts #teachers #discoverthis #literature #literatureclock
@ben_crowell_fullerton Yes! Please, can we stop teaching the Iliad to middle school #students who are not emotionally prepared to truly discuss rape in a classroom. #DisruptTexts
I like seeing people do meaningful work, hence my respect for the people behind #CritLib, #DisruptTexts, #miseducAsian, and more. As a neurologically #disabled person, I believe very strongly in the ethos of #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs.
#critlib #DisruptTexts #miseducAsian #disabled #nothingaboutuswithoutus
We're also advised to hashtag it up about stuff we like, right? I have an #MLIS degree, so, you know, kind of a #librarian. Way into #miseducAsian, #DisruptTexts, #AsianAmAF, #neurodiversity, #DisabilityRights, #abolition, #CatsOfMastodon...damn, I know there are others. I suppose I could just say #MGlit for the sheer bloody hell of it. I use that #AmWriting hashtag elsewhere, probably worth using it here. I read a lot of #YA too.
#ya #amwriting #mglit #catsofmastodon #abolition #disabilityrights #neurodiversity #AsianAmAF #DisruptTexts #miseducAsian #librarian #mlis